Set AllMonths


The predefined set AllMonths contains the unabbreviated English names of all months.

Set AllMonths {
    Index      :  IndexMonths;
    Definition :  {
        data { January, February, March, April,
               May, June, July, August,
               September, October, November, December }


The set AllMonths contains the unabbreviated English names of all months.


The contents of the set cannot be modified.


The set AllMonths can be used to construct a date-time format specification as specified in Format of Time Slots and Periods Such date-time format specifications are required, for instance, in the TimeslotFormat attribute of a Calendar.

See also

The sets AllAbbrMonths, LocaleAllMonths, LocaleAllMonths. Calendars are discussed in full detail in Calendars of the Language Reference, date-time formats in Format of Time Slots and Periods