Procedure Spreadsheet::AddNewSheet(Workbook, Name, SetAsActive, Hidden)


The procedure Spreadsheet::AddNewSheet adds a new empty sheet to the specified Excel or OpenOffice Calc workbook.

        Workbook,       ! (input) scalar string expression
        Name,           ! (input) scalar string expression
        [SetAsActive],  ! (optional) scalar binary expression
        [Hidden]        ! (optional) scalar binary expression



A scalar string expression representing the Excel or Calc workbook. If this argument ends in .ods, OpenOffice Calc is used. Otherwise, Excel is used.


The name to assign to the new sheet.


If this parameter is 1, the sheet is set as the active sheet. The default value of this argument is 1.


If this parameter is 1, the sheet is created as a hidden sheet. The default value of this argument is 0.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success, or 0 otherwise. In case of an error the pre-defined AIMMS parameter CurrentErrorMessage contains a description of what went wrong.


  • Upto AIMMS 3.11 this function was known as ExcelAddNewSheet, which has become deprecated as of AIMMS 3.12.