Function AttributeContainsString(IdentifierName, AttributeName, Key)


The function AttributeContainsString returns 1 if the string representation of a specified attribute for a given identifier contains the specified text (case sensitive).

     IdentifierName,       ! (input) scalar element parameter
     AttributeName         ! (input) scalar element parameter
     Key                   ! (input) scalar string expression



An element expression in the predefined set AllIdentifiers specifying the identifier.


An element expression in the predefined set AllAttributeNames specifying the attribute.


A string specifying the text to search for.

Return Value

1 if the attribute text contains the Key string (always case sensitive), 0 otherwise. In case of failure, the return value is 0 and the predeclared identifier CurrentErrorMessage contains an appropriate error message.


Given the declaration:

Parameter p {
    Comment: "Hello""}

inside the nested module chapterModel::sectionModelQuery::funcAttributeLength, the code that queries the comment attribute of identifier p is:

 1    _ep_p := StringToElement(AllIdentifiers,
 2            "chapterModel::sectionModelQuery::funcAttributeLength::p",
 3            create: 0);
 4    _bp_loPresent := AttributeContainsString(
 5            IdentifierName :  _ep_p,
 6            AttributeName  :  'comment',
 7            Key            :  "lo") ;
 8    block where single_column_display := 1, listing_number_precision := 6 ;
 9            display { _ep_p, _bp_loPresent };
10    endblock ;


  • Lines 1-3: Note that the name of the identifier contains all prefixes of the modules it is in.

The results in the listing file:

_ep_p         := 'chapterModel::sectionModelQuery::funcAttributeLength::p' ;
_bp_loPresent :=                                                         1 ;
