Function PeriodToString(Format, Timetable, Period)


With the function PeriodToString you can obtain a description of a period in a timetable that consists of multiple calendar slots.

     Format,              ! (input) a string expression
     Timetable,           ! (input) an AIMMS time table
     Period               ! (input) an element in a horizon



A string that holds the date and time format used in the returned string. This format string can contain period specific conversion specifiers to generate a description referring to both the beginning and end of the period, see Format of Time Slots and Periods


An indexed set in a calendar and defined over a horizon.


An element in the horizon that is defined by Timetable.

Return Value

The result of PeriodToString is a string describing the corresponding moment according to Format.


Given the declarations:

Calendar cal_days {
        Index: i_day;
        Unit: day;
        BeginDate: "2024-01-01";
        EndDate: "2024-01-14";
        TimeslotFormat: "%c%y-%m-%d";
Horizon s_horizon {
        Index: i_hor;
        CurrentPeriod: ep_currentPeriod;
        Definition: ElementRange(0,4,prefix:"p");
ElementParameter ep_currentTimeSlot {
        Range: cal_days;
ElementParameter ep_currentPeriod {
        Range: s_horizon;
Parameter p_periodLength {
        IndexDomain: i_hor;
        Definition: data { p0 : 1,  p1 : 2,  p2 : 3,  p3 : 4,  p4 : 4 };
Parameter bp_lengthDominates {
        IndexDomain: i_hor;
Set s_inactiveTimeSlots {
        SubsetOf: cal_days;
Set s_delimiterSlots {
        SubsetOf: cal_days;
Set s_timetable {
        IndexDomain: i_hor;
        SubsetOf: cal_days;
StringParameter sp_periodName {
        IndexDomain: i_hor;

And the data preparation:

ep_currentTimeSlot := element( cal_days, 2 );
ep_currentPeriod := element( s_horizon, 2 );
        TimeTable         :  s_timetable,
        CurrentTimeSlot   :  ep_currentTimeSlot,
        CurrentPeriod     :  ep_currentPeriod,
        PeriodLength      :  p_periodLength,
        LengthDominates   :  bp_lengthDominates,
        InactiveTimeSlots :  s_inactiveTimeSlots,
        DelimiterSlots    :  s_delimiterSlots);

The code

sp_periodName( i_hor in s_horizon ) :=
                Format    :  "%B%Aw|AllAbbrWeekdays| %Am|AllAbbrMonths| %d, %c%y - %I%Aw|AllAbbrWeekdays| %Am|AllAbbrMonths| %d, %c%y",
                Timetable :  s_timetable,
                Period    :  i_hor);
block where single_column_display := 1;
        display s_timetable ;
        display sp_periodName ;
endblock ;

Prints the following in the listing file:

s_timetable := data
{ p0 : { 2024-01-01 } ,
  p1 : { 2024-01-02, 2024-01-03 } ,
  p2 : { 2024-01-04, 2024-01-05, 2024-01-06 } ,
  p3 : { 2024-01-07, 2024-01-08, 2024-01-09, 2024-01-10 } ,
  p4 : { 2024-01-11, 2024-01-12, 2024-01-13, 2024-01-14 } } ;

sp_periodName := data
{ p0 : "Mon Jan 01, 2024 - Mon Jan 01, 2024",
  p1 : "Tue Jan 02, 2024 - Wed Jan 03, 2024",
  p2 : "Thu Jan 04, 2024 - Sat Jan 06, 2024",
  p3 : "Sun Jan 07, 2024 - Wed Jan 10, 2024",
  p4 : "Thu Jan 11, 2024 - Sun Jan 14, 2024" } ;

See also

The procedure CreateTimeTable.