- Procedure GMP::SolverSession::GetIIS(solverSession, rowSet, colSet)
The procedure GMP::SolverSession::GetIIS
returns an
irreducible infeasible set (IIS) for an infeasible math program, by
returning the numbers of the rows and columns that are part of the IIS.
solverSession, ! (input) a solver session
rowSet, ! (output) a subset of Integers
colSet ! (output) a subset of Integers
- solverSession
An element in the set
.- rowSet
A subset of the set
, representing a set of row numbers.- colSet
A subset of the set
, representing a set of column numbers.
Return Value
The procedure returns 1 on success, or 0 otherwise.
This procedure is only supported by BARON, CPLEX and Gurobi. In case of BARON, the BARON option
Compute IIS
should be set to a non-default value.Calculating the IIS procedure can be time consuming, especially if the model contains binary or integer variables.
To use
we declare the following identifiers (in ams format):ElementParameter myGMP { Range: AllGeneratedMathematicalPrograms; } ElementParameter session { Range: AllSolverSessions; } ElementParameter ProgramStatus { Range: AllSolutionStates; } Set RowSet { SubsetOf: Integers; Index: rr; } Set ColSet { SubsetOf: Integers; Index: cc; } StringParameter name;To retrieve the IIS, and print the rows and columns that are part of the IIS, we can use:
myGMP := GMP::Instance::Generate( MP ); session := GMP::Instance::CreateSolverSession( myGMP ); GMP::SolverSession::Execute( session ); ProgramStatus := GMP::SolverSession::GetProgramStatus( session ); if ( ProgramStatus = 'Infeasible' or ProgramStatus = 'InfeasibleOrUnbounded' ) then GMP::SolverSession::GetIIS( session, RowSet, ColSet ); for ( rr ) do name := GMP::Row::GetName( myGMP, rr ); display name; endfor; for ( cc ) do name := GMP::Column::GetName( myGMP, cc ); display name; endfor; else GMP::Solution::RetrieveFromSolverSession( session, 1 ); GMP::Solution::SendToModel( myGMP, 1 ); endif; GMP::Instance::Delete( myGMP );