Procedure GMP::Linearization::AddSingle(GMP1, GMP2, solution, row, deviationPermitted, penaltyMultiplier, linNo, jacTol)


The procedure GMP::Linearization::AddSingle adds a single linearization row to a generated mathematical program (GMP1) with respect to a solution (column level values and row marginals) of a second generated mathematical program (GMP2).

     GMP1,                  ! (input) a generated mathematical program
     GMP2,                  ! (input) a generated mathematical program
     solution,              ! (input) a solution
     row,                   ! (input) a scalar reference or row number
     deviationPermitted,    ! (input) a binary scalar
     penaltyMultiplier,     ! (input) a double scalar
     linNo,                 ! (input) a linearization number
     [jacTol]               ! (optional) the Jacobian tolerance



An element in AllGeneratedMathematicalPrograms.


An element in AllGeneratedMathematicalPrograms.


An integer scalar reference to a solution in the solution repository of GMP2.


A scalar reference to an existing nonlinear row in the matrix of GMP2 or the number of that row in the range \(\{ 0 .. m-1 \}\) where \(m\) is the number of rows in the matrix of GMP2.


A binary scalar indicating whether a deviation is permitted for this linearization. If yes, a new column will also be added to GMP1 with an objective coefficient equal to the double value given in penaltyMultiplier multiplied with the row marginal of the row in solution.


A double value representing the penalty multiplier that will be used if deviationPermitted indicates that a deviation is permitted for the linearization.


An integer scalar reference to the rows and columns of the linearization.


The Jacobian tolerance; if the Jacobian value (in absolute sense) of a column in row is smaller than this value, the column will not be added to the linearization. The default is 1e-5.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success, or 0 otherwise.


  • This procedure fails if the row is ranged.

  • Rows and columns added before for linNo will be deleted first.

  • This procedure will fail if GMP2 contains a column that is not part of GMP1. A column that is part of GMP1 but not of GMP2 will be ignored, i.e., no coefficient for that column will be added to the linearizations.

  • The formula for the linearization of a scalar nonlinear inequality \(g(x,y) \leq b_j\) around the point \((x,y) = (x^0,y^0)\) is as follows:

    \[\begin{split}g(x^0,y^0) + \bigtriangledown g(x^0,y^0)^T \begin{bmatrix} x - x^0 \\ y - y^0 \end{bmatrix} - z_j \leq b_j\end{split}\]

    where \(z_j \geq 0\) is the extra column that is added if a deviation is permitted.

  • For a scalar nonlinear equality \(g(x,y) = b_j\) the sense of the linearization depends on the shadow price of the equality in the solution. The sense will be ‘\(\leq\)‘ if the shadow price is negative and the optimization direction is minimization, or if the shadow price is positive and the optimization direction is maximization. The sense will be ‘\(\geq\)‘ if the shadow price is positive and the optimization direction is minimization, or if the shadow price is negative and the optimization direction is maximization.

  • By using the suffixes .ExtendedConstraint and .ExtendedVariable it is possible to refer to the row and column that are added by GMP::Linearization::AddSingle:

    • Constraint c.ExtendedConstraint('Linearizationk',j) is added for row c(j).

    • Variable c.ExtendedVariable('Linearizationk',j) is added for row c(j) if a deviation is permitted.

    Here \(k\) denotes the value of the argument linNo.


Assume that ‘prod03’ is a mathematical program with the following declaration (in aim format):

Variable i1 {
    Range      :  {
Variable i2 {
    Range      :  {
Variable objvar;
Constraint e1 {
    Definition :  - 3*i1 - 2*i2 + objvar = 0;
Constraint e2 {
    Definition :  - i1*i2 <= -3.5;
MathematicalProgram prod03 {
    Objective  :  objvar;
    Direction  :  minimize;
    Type       :  MINLP;

Assume that AIMMS has executed the following code in which a mathematical program instance ‘gmp1’ is generated from ‘prod03’, its integer variables are relaxed, and it is solved.

gmp1 := GMP::Instance::Generate(prod03);

The optimal solution is \(\verb|i1| = 1.528\) and \(\verb|i2| = 2.291\), with Jacobian values \(-2.291\) and \(-1.528\) for \(\verb|i1|\) and \(\verb|i2|\) respectively. This solution is stored at position 1 in the solution repository of ‘gmp1’. If we have a second generated mathematical program ‘gmp2’ with the same variables as ‘gmp1’ then


will add a row

          - 2.291 * i1 - 1.528 * i2 <= -7 ;

to 'gmp2'.

See also

The routines GMP::Linearization::Add and GMP::Linearization::Delete. See Modifying an Extended Math Program Instance of the Language Reference for more details on extended suffixes.