Function ElementRange(from, to[, incr][, prefix][, postfix][, fill])


With the function ElementRange you can create a set with elements in which each element can be constructed using a prefix string, a postfix string, and a a sequential number.

     from,            ! (input) integer expression
     to,              ! (input) integer expression
     [incr,]          ! (optional) integer expression
     [prefix,]        ! (optional) string expression
     [postfix,]       ! (optional) string expression
     [fill]           ! (optional) 0 or 1



The integer value for which the first element must be created


The integer value for which the last element must be created

incr (optional)

The integer-valued interval length between two consecutive elements. If omitted, then the default interval length of 1 is used.

prefix (optional)

The prefix string for every element. If omitted, then the elements have no prefix (and thus start with the number).

postfix (optional)

The postfix string for every element. If omitted, then the elements have no postfix (and thus end with the number).

fill (optional)

This logical indicator specifies whether the numbers must be padded with leading zeroes. If omitted, then the default value 1 is used.

Return Value

The function returns a set containing the created elements.


The code:

_s_ints     := ElementRange(1,12);
_s_regions  := ElementRange(1,12,prefix:"reg",fill:0);
_s_products := ElementRange(1,12,prefix:"prd",fill:1);
display _s_ints, _s_regions, _s_products ;


_s_ints := data { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 } ;

_s_regions := data { reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, reg5, reg6, reg7, reg8, reg9, reg10, reg11, reg12 } ;

_s_products := data { prd01, prd02, prd03, prd04, prd05, prd06, prd07, prd08, prd09, prd10, prd11, prd12 } ;

in the listing file.