Function cp::Count(inspectedBinding, inspectedValues, lookupValue, relationalOperator, occurrenceLimit)


The function cp::Count can be used to restrict the number of occurrences of a particular value in (a slice of) an indexed identifier or expression. This function is typically used in constraints that enforce a selected value a limited number of times.

Mathematical Formulation

The function cp::Count(i,x_i,c,\otimes,y) returns 1 if the number of occurrences of \(x_i\) equal to the value \(c\), is related to \(y\) according to the relational operator \(\otimes\). The function cp::Count(i,x_i,c,\otimes,y) is equivalent to

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} \sum_{i} (x_i=c) \otimes y \\ \otimes \in \{ \leq, =, \geq, <, >, \neq \} \end{array}\end{split}\]

Function Prototype

    inspectedBinding,   ! (input) an index binding
    inspectedValues,    ! (input/output) an expression
    lookupValue,        ! (input) an expression
    relationalOperator, ! (input) an element
    occurrenceLimit     ! (input/output) an expression



The index binding that specifies, together with the inspectedValues argument, the set of values in which the lookupValue should be counted.


The expression indexed over inspectedBinding for which the number of occurrences of the value lookupValue is counted. This expression may involve variables, but can only contain integer or element values (i.e. no strings, fractional or unit values).


The particular value for which the number of occurrences in inspectedValues should be counted. This expression cannot involve variables. The data type should match the data type of inspectedValues.


The relational operator that indicates how the number of occurrences is limited to the occurrenceLimit argument. This can be an expression and should result in an element in the set AllConstraintProgrammingRowTypes. This expression cannot involve variables.


The number of occurrences of lookupValue is limited to the occurrenceLimit. This can be an expression that may involve variables.

Return Value

This function returns 1 if the number of occurences of lookupValue does not exceed the occurenceLimit argument according to the relationalOperator. In all other cases, the function returns 0.


ElementParameter TheElementParameter {
    IndexDomain  :  i;
    Definition   :  data{ 1 : A, 2 : B, 3 : A };

With the above data, the following holds:

cp::Count(i, TheElementParameter(i), 'B', '<=', 1) = 1
cp::Count(i, TheElementParameter(i), 'B', '<', 1) = 0
cp::Count(i, TheElementParameter(i), 'A', '=', 2) = 1

The following constraint sets the number of stores supplied by a warehouse w equal to the variable warehouseUsage:

 Set Warehouses {
     Index        :  w;
 Set Suppliers {
     Index        :  s;
 ElementParamter SupplyingWarehouse {
     IndexDomain  :  s;
     Range        :  Warehouses;
 Variable WarehouseUsage {
     IndexDomain  :  w;
     Range        :  integer;
 Constraint CountUsedWarehouses {
     IndexDomain  :  w;
     Definition   : {
         cp::count( s, supplyingWarehouse(s), w,
                   '=', warehouseUsage(w) )

See also