Procedure GMP::Instance::GetInfeasibleData(GMP, parSet, message, method, effort, textFormat)


Usually, methods for detecting the cause of an infeasibiliy in a mathematical model return information about constraints and variables. The procedure GMP::Instance::GetInfeasibleData uses a different approach, namely, it can be used to retrieve information about parameters that cause a (linear) mathematical program to become infeasible.

This procedure only considers parameters without a definition, i.e., parameters that can be changed by, e.g., an end user.

This procedure returns information in two ways. First, it will fill the output message argument with a text describing the cause of the infeasibility. Second, it will fill the suffix .SuspicionLevel for each parameter that contributes to the infeasibility. This suffix may be used to assign identifier annotations to the parameters of interest. Such annotations may be subsequently used in order to highlight the suspicious values of those parameters in the graphical user interface and visually notify the user about potentially incorrect data values.
     GMP,            ! (input) a generated mathematical program
     parSet,         ! (input) a set of parameters
     message,        ! (output) a string parameter
     [method],       ! (optional) a scalar integer value
     [effort],       ! (optional) a scalar integer value
     [textFormat]    ! (optional) a scalar binary value



An element in AllGeneratedMathematicalPrograms.


A subset of AllParameters.


A string that describes the cause of the infeasibility.


An integer scalar value between 0 and 4 that specifies the method used to find the cause of the infeasibility. Default is 0. The methods are described below.


An integer scalar value between 0 and 2 that specifies the effort level used by this procedure to find the cause of the infeasibility. Default is 2. A higher value means more effort.


A scalar binary value to indicate whether the message should use plain text (value 0; the default) or HTML formatting (value 1).

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success, or 0 otherwise.


  • The GMP must be linear.

  • Typically, AllParameters is passed to the parSet argument.

  • The procedure GMP::Instance::GetInfeasibleData will use one of the following methods, as specified by the method argument:

    • 0: IIS (default)

    • 1: Solve feasibility problem: minimize sum of infeasibilities

    • 2: Solve feasibility problem: minimize largest infeasibility

    • 3: Solve feasibility problem: minimize sum of infeasibilities after scaling model

    • 4: Solve feasibility problem: minimize largest infeasibility after scaling model

  • The calculation of the IIS or solving the feasibility problem can be time consuming if the model is large or complex, and as a consequence, the procedure GMP::Instance::GetInfeasibleData will then be time consuming.

  • The effort level influences how much effort is used to find outliers in the (infeasible) data. It does not influence the running time of the method used.

  • If the text attribute of a parameter is specified then it will be used in the message, otherwise the identifier name.

  • If the webui::ElementTextIdentifier attribute of a set is specified then it will be used to print the set elements in the message.

  • The option Element format determines the format used for printing elements in the message.

  • The suffix .SuspicionLevel gets a value from the set AllSuspicionLevels, or remains empty if the parameter is not part of the infeasible data.

  • The procedure GMP::Instance::GetInfeasibleData is not supported for generated mathematical programs created by one of the following functions:

    • GMP::Instance::GenerateRobustCounterpart,

    • GMP::Instance::GenerateStochasticProgram,

    • GMP::Instance::CreatePresolved,

    • GMP::Instance::CreateDual, or

    • GMP::Instance::CreateMasterMIP.


Assume that ‘MP’ is a symbolic mathematical program and ‘pMessage’ a string parameter.

solve MP;

if ( MP.ProgramStatus = 'Infeasible'            or
     MP.ProgramStatus = 'InfeasibleOrUnbounded' ) then
    GMP::Instance::GetInfeasibleData( 'MP', AllParameters, pMessage,
                                      method: 4, textFormat: 1 );

    ! Change the font size for the HTML formatted text.
    pMessage := "<span style=\"font-size: 20px\">" + pMessage + "</span>";

See also