Function Ord(index[, set])


The function Ord returns the ordinal number of a set element relative to a set.

   index,        ! (input) element expression
   [set]         ! (optional) set reference



An element expression for which you want to obtain the ordinal number.

set (optional)

The set with respect to which you want the ordinal number to be taken. If omitted, set is assumed to be the range of the argument index.

Return Value

The function Ord returns the ordinal number of index in set set.


A compile time error occurs if the argument set is not present, and AIMMS is unable to determine the range of index.


Given the declarations:

Set s_products {
        Index: i_prod;
        Definition: ElementRange(0,9,prefix:"p");
Set s_topProducts {
        SubsetOf: s_products;
        Index: i_topProd;
        OrderBy: user;
Parameter p_rev {
        IndexDomain: i_prod;
ElementParameter ep_p5 {
        Range: s_products;
Parameter p_ordP5;
Parameter p_ordP5top;

The code

! a bit of data.
p_rev(i_prod) := data {
        p0 : 3,  p1 : 7,  p2 : 9,  p3 : 9,  p4 : 3,
        p5 : 4,  p6 : 8,  p7 : 6,  p8 : 8,  p9 : 7 } ;

! Sorting on revenue, note that s_topProducts has order by: user.
s_topProducts := sort(i_prod, -p_rev(i_prod) );

! Getting the position in the set of element p5
ep_p5 := 'p5' ;
p_ordP5 := ord( ep_p5 ); ! The position of 'p5' in set s_products is 6.
p_ordP5top := ord( ep_p5, s_topProducts ); ! The position of 'p5' in set s_topProducts is 8.

Shows the use of adding a set to the function Ord.