Function AttributeLength(IdentifierName, AttributeName)


The function AttributeLength returns the length of a string representation of a specified attribute for a given identifier.

     IdentifierName,  ! (input) scalar element parameter
     AttributeName    ! (input) scalar element parameter



An element expression in the predefined set AllIdentifiers specifying the identifier for which an attribute length has to be returned.


An element expression in the predefined set AllAttributeNames specifying the attribute.

Return Value

This function returns the length of a string representation of the attribute on success or zero otherwise and the predeclared identifier CurrentErrorMessage contains an appropriate error message.


Given the declaration:

Parameter p {
    Comment: "Hello""}

inside the nested module chapterModel::sectionModelQuery::funcAttributeLength, the code that queries the comment attribute of identifier p is:

1_ep_p := StringToElement(AllIdentifiers,
2    "chapterModel::sectionModelQuery::funcAttributeLength::p",
3    create: 0);
4_p_cmt := AttributeLength(_ep_p, 'comment');
5block where single_column_display := 1, listing_number_precision := 6 ;
6    display { _ep_p, _p_cmt };
7endblock ;


  • Lines 1-3: Note that the name of the identifier contains all prefixes of the modules it is in.

The results in the listing file:

_ep_p  := 'chapterModel::sectionModelQuery::funcAttributeLength::p' ;
_p_cmt :=                                                         5 ;
