Function Unit(unit)


The function Unit returns the unit value of a given unit constant.

     unit          ! (input) scalar unit constant



A unit constant of which the associated unit value must be computed

Return Value

The function returns the unit value of a unit constant unit.


Given the unit of measurement declarations:

Quantity SI_Time_Duration {
        BaseUnit: s;
        Conversions: {
                day->s : #-># * 86400,
                hour->s : #-># * 3600,
                minute->s : #-># * 60
        Comment: "Expresses the value for the duration of periods.""}
Quantity SI_Velocity {
        BaseUnit: m/s;
        Comment: "Expresses the value for the change in distance per time unit.""}
Quantity SI_Length {
        BaseUnit: m;
        Conversions: {
                km->m : #-># * 1000,
                mile->m : #-># * 1609.344
        Comment: "Expresses the value of a distance.""}

The code:

_up_speed := Unit( km/hour );
display _up_speed ; ! _up_speed := [km/hour] ;

illustrates how to assign a literal unit to a unit parameter.


The function Unit simply returns its argument. It exists to allow the use of numeric constants in computed unit expressions.

See also

Unit expressions discussed in full detail in Units of Measurement of the Language Reference.