Function SecurityDiscountedRate(SettlementDate, MaturityDate, Price, Redemption, Basis)


The function SecurityDiscountedRate returns the discount rate of a discounted security.

    SettlementDate,           ! (input) scalar string expression
    MaturityDate,             ! (input) scalar string expression
    Price,                    ! (input) numerical expression
    Redemption,               ! (input) numerical expression
    [Basis]                   ! (optional) numerical expression



The date of settlement of the security. SettlementDate must be given in a date format.


The date of maturity of the security. MaturityDate must also be in date format and must be a date after SettlementDate.


The price of the security at settlement date. Price must be a positive real number.


The amount repaid at maturity date. Redemption must be a positive real number.


The day-count basis method to be used. The default is 1.

Return Value

The function SecurityDiscountedRate returns the annual rate the security’s value increases as a percentage of the redemption value.


  • This function can be used in an objective function or constraint and the input parameters Price and Redemption can be used as a variable.

  • The function SecurityDiscountedRate is similar to the Excel function DISC.

See also

Day count basis methods. General equations for discounted securities.