- Function SecurityPeriodicDurationModified(SettlementDate, MaturityDate, ParValue, Redemption, Frequency, CouponRate, Yield, Basis)
The function SecurityPeriodicDurationModified
returns the modified
Macauley duration of a security that pays interest at the end of each
coupon period.
SettlementDate, ! (input) scalar string expression
MaturityDate, ! (input) scalar string expression
ParValue, ! (input) numerical expression
Redemption, ! (input) numerical expression
Frequency, ! (input) numerical expression
CouponRate, ! (input) numerical expression
Yield, ! (input) numerical expression
[Basis] ! (optional) numerical expression
- SettlementDate
The date of settlement of the security. SettlementDate must be in date format.
- MaturityDate
The date of maturity of the security. MaturityDate must also be in date format and must be a date after SettlementDate.
- ParValue
The starting value of the security at issue date. ParValue must be a positive real number.
- Redemption
The amount repaid for the security at the maturity date. Redemption must be a positive real number.
- Frequency
The number of coupon payments in one year. Frequency must be 1 (annual), 2 (semi-annual) or 4 (quarterly).
- CouponRate
The annual interest rate of the security as a percentage of the par value. CouponRate must be a nonnegative real number.
- Yield
The yield of the security. Yield must be a nonnegative real number.
- Basis
The day-count basis method to be used. The default is 1.
Return Value
The function
returns the modified Macauley duration of a security that pays interest at the end of each coupon period.
The modified duration \(D_{\textit{mod}}\) is computed through the equation
\[D_{\textit{mod}} = \frac{D}{1+\frac{r_y}{f}}\]where \(D\) is the Macauley duration.
This function can be used in an objective function or constraint and the input parameters ParValue, Redemption, CouponRate, and Yield can be used as a variable.
The function
is similar to the Excel function MDURATION.
The code:
_p_spdm := SecurityPeriodicDurationModified(
SettlementDate : "2024-01-01",
MaturityDate : "2044-01-01",
ParValue : 100,
Redemption : 100,
Frequency : 1,
CouponRate : 0.08,
Yield : 0.08,
Basis : 1);
block where single_column_display := 1, listing_number_precision := 6 ;
display _p_spdm ;
endblock ;
Results in:
_p_spdm := 9.818147 ;
The function