Set CurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions


The predefined set CurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions contains the names of the defined identifiers whose values are updated automatically upon change of their input values when displayed in the graphical end-user interface.

Set CurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions {
    SubsetOf     :  AllIdentifiers;
    Index        :  IndexCurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions;
    InitialData  :  AllDefinedSets + AllDefinedParameters;


The set CurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions contains the names of the defined identifiers whose values are updated automatically upon change of their input values when displayed in the graphical end-user interface.


The contents of CurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions can be modified programmatically from within an AIMMS model. The set cannot be modified from within the end-user interface.


By default, all defined parameters and sets are immediately updated in a graphical display whenever their input values are modified. In some cases, however, this behavior can be unwanted, for instance if each single data change by an end-user leads to a long re-evaluation of a defined identifier which is also displayed on the same page. In such cases, you can remove the defined identifier at hand from the set CurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions and explicitly update the identifier when you see fit, either by calling the UPDATE statement, or by updating the identifier on page entry, upon data change, or through a button action.

See also

The sets AllIdentifiers, CurrentInputs. The UPDATE statement and the set CurrentAutoUpdatedDefinitions are discussed in more detail in Nonprocedural Execution of the Language Reference.