Function DateDifferenceYearFraction(FirstDate, SecondDate, Basis)


The function DateDifferenceYearFraction calculates the year fraction between two dates based on the specified day count basis.

    FirstDate,             ! (input) scalar string expression
    SecondDate,            ! (input) scalar string expression
    [Basis]                ! (optional) numerical expression



The first date must be in date format.


The second date must be in date format, and later than FirstDate.


The day-count basis method to be used. The default is 1.

Return Value

The function DateDifferenceYearFraction returns the difference between FirstDate and SecondDate in fractions of a year.


The function DateDifferenceYearFraction is similar to the Excel function YEARFRAC.


The following code illustrates the differences between the various methods supported.

! Method 1: each month is always 1/12 of a year.
_p_r1 := DateDifferenceYearFraction( "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01", 1 );
_p_r1e := 1 / 12 ;

! Method 2: use actual number of days per month and per year (here leap year).
_p_r2 := DateDifferenceYearFraction( "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01", 2 );
_p_r2e := 29 / 366 ;
_p_r2t := StringToMoment(
        Format        :  "%c%y-%m-%d",
        Unit          :  [day],
        ReferenceDate :  "2024-02-01",
        Timeslot      :  "2024-03-01") /
        Format        :  "%c%y-%m-%d",
        Unit          :  [day],
        ReferenceDate :  "2024-01-01",
        Timeslot      :  "2025-01-01") ;

! Method 3: use actual number of days per month, but always 360 days per year.
_p_r3 := DateDifferenceYearFraction( "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01", 3 );
_p_r3e := 29 / 360 ;

! Method 4: use actual number of days per month, but always 365 days per year.
_p_r4 := DateDifferenceYearFraction( "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01", 4 );
_p_r4e := 29 / 365 ;

! Method 5: the European variation of method 1.
_p_r5 := DateDifferenceYearFraction( "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01", 5 );
_p_r5e := 1 / 12 ;

block where listing_number_precision := 6 ;
    display { _p_r1, _p_r1e }, { _p_r2, _p_r2e, _p_r2t }, { _p_r3, _p_r3e }, { _p_r4, _p_r4e }, { _p_r5, _p_r5e } ;
endblock ;

and the results illustrate that there are small but significant differences:

_p_r1  := 0.083333 ;
_p_r1e := 0.083333 ;

_p_r2  := 0.079235 ;
_p_r2e := 0.079235 ;
_p_r2t := 0.079235 ;

_p_r3  := 0.080556 ;
_p_r3e := 0.080556 ;

_p_r4  := 0.079452 ;
_p_r4e := 0.079452 ;

_p_r5  := 0.083333 ;
_p_r5e := 0.083333 ;
