Procedure RestoreInactiveElements(SearchSet, SearchIdentifiers, UsedElements)


The procedure RestoreInactiveElements finds and restores all elements that were previously removed from a particular set, but for which inactive data still exists in a given collection of indexed model identifiers.

     SearchSet,          ! (input/output) a set
     SearchIdentifiers,  ! (input) a subset of AllIdentifiers
     UsedElements        ! (output) a subset



The set for which you want to find the inactive elements.


A subset of AllIdentifiers, holding identifiers that are indexed over SearchSet.


A subset of SearchSet. On return this subset will contain all the inactive elements that are currently used (i.e. have corresponding nondefault values) in the identifiers contained in SearchIdentifiers.


The inactive elements found are placed in the result-set, but are also automatically added to the search-set.


Given the declarations:

Set s_products {
        Index: i_prod;
Parameter p_rev {
        IndexDomain: i_prod;
Set s_searchIds {
        SubsetOf: AllIdentifiers;
Set s_restoredProducts {
        SubsetOf: s_products;

The code

! a bit of data.
s_products := ElementRange(0,9,prefix:"p");
p_rev(i_prod) := data {
        p1 : 7,  p2 : 9,  p3 : 9,
        p6 : 8,  p7 : 6,  p8 : 8 } ;

! Remove some elements from root set.
s_products -= data { p3, p4, p8, p9 } ;

! Display resulting data
display s_products ; ! s_products := data { p0, p1, p2, p5, p6, p7 } ;
display p_rev ; ! p_rev := data { p1 : 7,  p2 : 9,  p6 : 8,  p7 : 6 } ;
! p_rev only has 4 elements left; some elements of p_rev seem to have disappeared;
! These elements are called the inactive elements of p_rev.

! Search for inactive products that have a revenue, and restore
! the corresponding elements to active.
s_searchIds := data { p_rev } ;
        SearchSet         :  s_products,
        SearchIdentifiers :  s_searchIds,
        UsedElements      :  s_restoredProducts);
display s_restoredProducts ; ! s_restoredProducts := data { p3, p8 } ;
display s_products ; ! s_products := data { p0, p1, p2, p3, p5, p6, p7, p8 } ;
! The previously inactive data of p_rev is now active again:
display p_rev ; ! p_rev := data { p1 : 7,  p2 : 9,  p3 : 9,  p6 : 8,  p7 : 6,  p8 : 8 } ;

See also: