Procedure DialogGetDate(title, format, date[, nr\_rows][, nr\_columns])


The procedure DialogGetDate displays a standard Windows date selection dialog box. The procedure returns the date (in the specified format) selected by the user.

        title,          ! (input) string expression
        format,         ! (input) string expression
        date,           ! (input/output) scalar string parameter
        [nr_rows,]      ! (optional) integer expression
        [nr_columns]    ! (optional) integer expression



A scalar string expression containing the text you want to display in the title of the dialog box.


A scalar string expression containing the date format of the date argument.


A scalar string parameter in which the selected date is returned according to the date format specified in format.

nr_rows (optional)

A scalar integer expression in the range \(1,\dots,3\) containing the number of rows to be displayed in the date selectiond dialog box.

nr_columns (optional)

A scalar integer expression in the range \(1,\dots,4\) containing the number of columns to be displayed in the date selectiond dialog box.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 if the user completed the date selection dialog box successfully, or 0 otherwise.


If the date argument contains a valid date according to the format specified in date-format, AIMMS will set the initial date in the date selection dialog box equal to the specified date.

See also

The date format specification components are discussed in full detail in Date-specific Components of the Language Reference.