Function ActiveCard(Identifier, Suffix)


The function ActiveCard returns the cardinality of active elements in its identifier argument, or the cardinality of active elements of a suffix of that identifier.

    Identifier,    ! (input) identifier reference
    [Suffix]       ! (optional) element in the set AllSuffixNames

An element in identifier P is active if its tuple components are within the domain sets of P and within the index domain condition of P (if any). Otherwise it is inactive.



A reference to a set or an indexed identifier.


An element in the predefined set AllSuffixNames.

Return Value

  1. If Identifier is a set, the function ActiveCard returns the number of active elements in Identifier.

  2. If Identifier is an indexed identifier, the function ActiveCard returns the number of active elements in Identifier.

  3. If Suffix is given, the number of active elements for the given suffix of Identifier.


The ActiveCard function cannot be applied to slices of indexed identifiers. In such a case, you can use the Count operator to count the number of active elements.


! Small data set: keeping stock of two fruits.
_s_fruits := data { apple, pear } ;
_p_stock(_i_fruit) := data { apple : 4, pear : 5 } ;

! Removing one fruit from our data set.
_s_fruits -= data { pear };
! There is now only one fruit left in _p_stock - _p_stock has one active and one inactive element.

display _p_stock ; ! Writes "_p_stock(_i_fruit) := data { apple : 4 };" to listing file.

_p_activeCard := ActiveCard( _p_stock ); ! 1: ActiveCard returns the number of active elements.
_p_card := Card( _p_stock ); ! 2; Card returns the number of elements, both active and inactive.

! The difference between Card and ActiveCard is the number of inactive elements.

See also