

A calendar is defined as a set of consecutive time slots of unit length covering the complete time frame from the calendar’s begin date to its end date. You can use a calendar to index data defined in terms of calendar time.

Calendar attributes

Calendars have several associated attributes, which are listed in this table. Some of these attributes are inherited from sets, while others are new and specific to calendars. The new ones are discussed in this section.

Table 68 Calendar attributes



See also page
















The Index attribute




The Parameter attribute



The Text and Comment attributes


comment string

The Text and Comment attributes


The Unit attribute defines the length of a single time slot in the calendar. It must be specified as one of the following time units or an integer multiple thereof:

  • century,

  • year,

  • month,

  • day,

  • hour,

  • minute,

  • second, and

  • tick (i.e. sec/100).

Thus, 15*min and 3*month are valid time units, but the equivalent 0.25*hour and 0.25*year are not. Besides a constant integer number it is also allowed to use an AIMMS parameter to specify the length of the time slots in the calendar (e.g. NumberOfMinutesPerTimeslot*min).

Not predefined

Although you can only use the fixed unit names listed above to specify the Unit attribute of a calendar, AIMMS does not have a predefined Quantity for time (see also Units of Measurement). This means that the units of time you want to use in your model, do not have to coincide with the time units required in the calendar declaration. Therefore, prior to specifying the Unit attribute of a calendar, you must first specify a quantity defining both your own time units and the conversion factors to the time units required by AIMMS. In the Model Explorer, AIMMS will automatically offer to add the relevant time Quantity to your model when the calendar unit does not yet exist in the model tree.

BeginDate and EndDate

The mandatory BeginDate and EndDate attributes of a calendar specify its range. AIMMS will generate all time slots of the specified length, whose begin time lies between the specified BeginDate and EndDate. As a consequence, the end time of the last time slot may be after the specified EndDate. An example of this behavior occurs, for instance, when the requested length of all time slots is 3 days and the EndDate does not lie on a 3-day boundary from the BeginDate. Any period references that start outside this range will be ignored by the system. This makes it easy to select all relevant time-dependent data from a database.

Reference date format

Any set element describing either the BeginDate or the EndDate must be given in the following fixed reference date format which contains the specific year, month, etc. up to and including the appropriate reference to the time unit associated with the calendar.

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

All entries must be numbers with leading zeros present. The hours are expressed using the 24-hour clock. You do not need to specify all entries. Only those fields that refer to time units that are longer or equal to the predefined AIMMS time unit in your calendar are required. All time/date fields beyond the requested granularity are ignored. For instance, a calendar expressed in hours may have a BeginDate such as

  • 1996-01-20 09:00:00, or

  • 1996-01-20 09:00, or

  • 1996-01-20 09,

which all refer to exactly the same time, 9:00 AM on January 20th, 1996.

Time zone and DST offsets

AIMMS always assumes that reference dates are specified according to UTC. However, for calendars with granularity day AIMMS will ignore any timezone and daylight saving time offsets, and just take the day as specified. In the example above, a daily calendar with the above BeginDate will always start with period 1996-01-20, while an hourly calendar may start with a period 1996-01-19 23:00 if the difference between UTC and the time zone specification in the timeslot format is 10 hours.

Format of time-related attributes

Set elements and string-valued parameters capturing time-related information must deal with a variety of formatting possibilities in order to meet end-user requirements around the globe (there are no true international standards for formatting time slots and time periods). The flexible construction of dates and date formats using the TimeslotFormat is presented in Format of Time Slots and Periods.


The following example is a declaration of a daily calendar and a monthly calendar

Calendar DailyCalendar {
    Index            : d;
    Parameter        : CurrentDay;
    Text             : A work-week calendar for production planning;
    BeginDate        : "1996-01-01";
    EndDate          : "1997-06-30";
    Unit             : day;
    TimeslotFormat   : {
        "%d/%m/%y"      ! format explained later
Calendar MonthlyCalendar {
    Index            : m;
    BeginDate        : CalendarBeginMonth;
    EndDate          : CalendarEndMonth;
    Unit             : month;
    TimeslotDormat   : {
        "%m/%y"         ! format explained later

Varying number of time slots

The calendar DailyCalendar thus declared will be a set containing the elements '01/01/96',…,'06/30/97' for every day in the period from January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997. When the BeginDate and EndDate attributes are specified as string parameters containing the respective begin and end dates (as in MonthlyCalendar), the number of generated time slots can be changed dynamically. In order to generate zero time slots, leave one of these string parameters empty.

Time zones and daylight saving time

By default, AIMMS assumes that a calendar uses the local time zone without daylight saving time, in accordance with the specification of the BeginDate and EndDate attributes. However, if this is not the case, you can modify the TimeslotFormat attribute in such a manner, that AIMMS

  • will take daylight saving time into account during the construction of the calendar slots, or,

  • will generate the calendar slots according to a specified time zone.

In both cases, AIMMS still requires that the BeginDate and EndDate attributes be specified as reference dates in the local time zone without daylight saving time, as already indicated. Support for time zones and daylight saving time is explained in full detail in Support for Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time.