Function ElementCast(set, element[, create])


With the function ElementCast you can cast an element of one set to an (existing) element with the same name in a set with a different root set.

     set,             ! (input) a set expression
     element,         ! (input) a scalar element expression
     [create]         ! (optional) 0 or 1



A set in which you want to find a specific element name.


A scalar element expression, representing the element that you want to convert to a different root set hierarchy.

create (optional)

An indicator whether or not a nonexisting element are added to the set during the call.

Return Value

The function returns the existing element or, if the element cannot be converted to an existing element and the argument create is not set to 1, the function returns the empty element. If create is set to 1, nonexisting elements will be created on the fly.


The code:

s_Jnames := data { Jack, Jill, John, Joan } ;
s_bnames := data { Brian, Brooke, Benjamin, Bianca } ;

for i_jname do
    s_localNames += ElementCast( s_localNames, i_jname, create: 1 );
endfor ;
for i_bname do
    s_localNames += ElementCast( s_localNames, i_bname, create: 1 );
endfor ;
display s_localNames ;

Will produce:

elementary::setop::funcElementCast::s_localNames :=
data { Jack, Jill, John, Joan, Brian, Brooke, Benjamin, Bianca } ;

in the listing file.

See also

The procedure SetElementAdd.