Procedure GenerateXML(XMLFile, IdentifierSet[, Merge, SchemaFile])


The procedure GenerateXML generates XML output data for a given set of AIMMS identifiers.

        XMLFile,         ! (input) scalar string expression
        IdentifierSet,   ! (input) set expression
        Merge,           ! (optional) 0 or 1
        SchemaFile       ! (optional) scalar string expression



Name of the file to which the generated XML must be written.


A subset of the predefined set AllIdentifiers, containing the set of identifiers for which XML output must be generated.

Merge (optional)

Indicates whether or not the contents of the file can be merged within another XML file.

SchemaFile (optional)

If this argument is specified, a schema corresponding to the generated XML data will be written to the specified file name. A namespace will be generated for this schema file, and added to the xmlns attribute of the root element of the generated XML file.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success. or 0 on failure.


Notice that the Merge attribute does not mean that the generated XML will be appended to the specified XML file. The latter will always be overwritten. If the Merge argument is non-zero, AIMMS will omit the XML header from the generated file, allowing you to merge its contents into another XML document.

See also

The procedures ReadGeneratedXML, ReadXML, WriteXML. Generating XML data is discussed in full detail in Reading and Writing AIMMS-generated XML Data of the Language Reference.