Function PriceFractional(DecimalPrice, FractionBase)


The function PriceFractional converts a price expressed as a decimal number to a price expressed as a fractional number depending on the input parameter FractionBase.

    DecimalPrice,             ! (input) numerical expression
    FractionBase              ! (input) numerical expression



The price expressed as a decimal number. DecimalPrice can be any real number.


The base to be used as the denominator of the fraction. FractionBase must be a positive integer.

Return Value

The function PriceFractional returns the DecimalPrice expressed as a fractional number.


  • The system of equations on which the conversion between decimal and fractional prices is based, is explained for the function PriceDecimal (the inverse of PriceFractional).

  • The function FractionalDecimal is similar to the Excel function DOLLARFR.

See also

The function PriceDecimal.