Procedure HistogramSetDomain(histogram\_id, intervals[, left, width, left\_tail, right\_tail])


With the procedure HistogramSetDomain you can override the default layout of frequency intervals of a histogram.

     histogram_id,       ! (input) a scalar number
     intervals,          ! (input) a positive integer number
     [left,]             ! (optional) a scalar expression
     [width,]            ! (optional) a positive scalar number
     [left_tail,]        ! (optional) 0 or 1
     [right_tail]        ! (optional) 0 or 1



A scalar value representing a histogram that was previously created using the HistogramCreate procedure.


The number of fixed-width intervals (not including the left_ or right_tail interval).

left (optional)

The lower bound of the left-most interval (not including the left-tail interval). If omitted, then the histogram will use the observations to determine this bound.

width (optional)

The (fixed) width of each interval. If omitted, then the histogram will use the observations to determine the width.

left_tail (optional)

An indicator whether or not a left-tail interval should be created. If this argument is omitted, then the default value of 1 is used (creating a left-tail interval).

right_tail (optional)

An indicator whether or not a right-tail interval should be created. If this argument is omitted, then the default value of 1 is used (creating a right-tail interval).

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 if the domain is changed successfully, or 0 otherwise.

See also

The procedures HistogramCreate, HistogramGetBounds. Histogram support in AIMMS is discussed in full detail in Creating Histograms of the Language Reference.