Function GMP::Instance::CreateProgressCategory(GMP, Name)


The function GMP::Instance::CreateProgressCategory creates a new GMP progress category for a generated mathematical program. This progress category can be used to display GMP related information in the progress window.

     GMP,              ! (input) a generated mathematical program
     [Name]            ! (input, optional) a string expression



An element in the set AllGeneratedMathematicalPrograms.


A string that holds the name of the progress category.

Return Value

The function returns an element in the set AllProgressCategories.


  • If no progress category is specified for the generated mathematical program then the GMP progress will be displayed in the general AIMMS progress category for GMP progress. This general AIMMS progress category will be used by all generated mathematical programs for which no progress category is specified. (Progress information for a normal solve is always displayed in the general AIMMS progress category.)

  • After calling GMP::Instance::CreateProgressCategory solver progress will by default be displayed in the solver progress category of the generated mathematical program, and no longer in the general AIMMS progress category for solver progress.

  • If the Name argument is not specified then the name of the generated mathematical program will be used to name the element in the set AllProgressCategories.

  • The information displayed in a GMP progress category is controlled by AIMMS and cannot be modified by the user.

  • A progress category created before for the generated mathematical program will be deleted.