Function CallerNumberOfLocations


The function CallerNumberOfLocations returns the number of nodes on the current execution stack, not counting the current internal procedure or function.

CallerNumberOfLocations( )


The following code provides the skeleton of a simple stack dump.

Parameter noLocs ;
Parameter aDepth ;
Parameter aLine ;
ElementParameter aNode {
    range : AllIdentifiers ;
ElementParameter anAttr {
    range : AllAttributeNames ;
File outf {
    Name: "a41t001.put";
Procedure reportStack {
    Body: {
        noLocs := callerNumberOfLocations();
        aDepth := 1 ;
        put outf, "Current execution stack: ", / ;
        put "depth":5, " ", "node":20, " ", "attribute":12, " ", "line":4, / ;
        put "-"*5,     " ", "-"*20,    " ", "-"*12,         " ", "-"*4,    / ;
        while aDepth <= noLocs do
            aLine := callerLine( aDepth );
            aNode := callerNode( aDepth );
            anAttr := callerAttribute( aDepth );
            put aDepth:5:0, " ", aNode:20, " ", anAttr:12, " ", aLine:4:0, " ", / ;
            aDepth += 1 ;
        endwhile ;
        putclose ;

An instance of its output might be:

Current execution stack:
depth node                 attribute    line
----- -------------------- ------------ ----
    1 work1                body            4
    2 MainExecution        body            1
