Function SecurityMaturityAccruedInterest(IssueDate, SettlementDate, ParValue, CouponRate, Basis)


The function SecurityMaturityAccruedInterest returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.

    IssueDate,       ! (input) scalar string expression
    SettlementDate,  ! (input) scalar string expression
    ParValue,        ! (input) numerical expression
    CouponRate,      ! (input) numerical expression
    [Basis]          ! (optional) numerical expression



The date of issue of the security. IssueDate must be given in date format.


The date of settlement of the security. SettlementDate must also be in date format and must be a date after IssueDate.


The starting value of the security at issue date. ParValue must be a positive real number.


The annual interest rate of the security as a fraction of the par value. CouponRate must be a nonnegative real number.


The day-count basis method to be used. The default is 1.

Return Value

The function SecurityMaturityAccruedInterest returns the interest accrued from issue date until settlement date.


  • This function can be used in an objective function or constraint and the input parameters CouponRate and ParValue can be used as a variable.

  • The function SecurityMaturityAccruedInterest is similar to the Excel function ACCRINTM <>_.


How much interest was paid for a security

  • over a period of five years,

  • with an interest rate of 7%,

  • and bought for a 100 at the time?

_p_smai := SecurityMaturityAccruedInterest(
    IssueDate      :  "2020-01-01",
    SettlementDate :  "2025-01-01",
    ParValue       :  100,
    CouponRate     :  0.07,
    Basis          :  1);
block where single_column_display := 1, listing_number_precision := 6 ;
    display _p_smai ;
endblock ;

No interest on interest, so:

_p_smai := 35 ;
