Procedure CaseMerge(case[, dialog][, keepUnreferencedRuntimeLibs])


The procedure CaseMerge merges the data of an existing case with the current data. You can use it to merge either a case that is passed as argument to the procedure, or a case that the user can select via a dialog box. Only the non-default data that is stored in the case will be merged with the data of the currently active case. This current case is set to have changed data.

    case,   ! (input/output) An element parameter into AllCases
    [dialog],                     ! (optional) 0 or 1
    [keepUnreferencedRuntimeLibs  ! (optional) 0 or 1



An element parameter into the pre-defined set AllCases. If the argument dialog is set to 0, then no dialog box is shown and the case to which the element parameter currently refers is merged. If the argument dialog is set to 1, then the value of the element parameter is used to initialize the dialog box. The case that the user has selected and is merged successfully is returned through this argument.

dialog (optional)

An integer value indicating whether or not the user gets a dialog box in which he can select the case to merge. The default value is 1, thus if this argument is omitted the dialog box will be shown.

keepUnreferencedRuntimeLibs (optional)

An integer value indicating whether or not any runtime libraries in existence before the case is merged, but not referenced in the case, should be kept in memory or destroyed during the case merge. The default is 1 indicating that the runtime libraries not referenced in the case will be retained during the case merge.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success. If the user cancelled the operation, then the procedure returns 0. If any other error occurs then the procedure returns \(-1\) and CurrentErrorMessage will contain a proper error message.


  • This function is only applicable if the project option Data_Management_style is set to Single_Data_Manager_file.

  • If the option Data_Management_style is set to disk_files_and_folders, please use the function CaseCommandMergeIntoActive instead.