Procedure CaseSelectNew(case[, title])


The procedure CaseSelectNew shows a dialog box in which the user can select a new case.

        case,       ! (output) element parameter in AllCases
        [title]     ! (optional) string expression



An element parameter in AllCases. On return the case will refer to the selected case.

title (optional)

A string expression that is used as the title for the dialog box. If this argument is omitted, then a default title is used.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 if the user did select a case. If the user pressed Cancel, then the procedure returns 0.


  • This function is only applicable if the project option Data_Management_style is set to Single_Data_Manager_file.

  • If via this procedure the user creates a new case (i.e. a new case node in the data management tree), then this case does not yet contain any data. The case will only contain data after you explicitly save data to the case.

  • If the option Data_Management_style is set to disk_files_and_folders, please use the function CaseDialogSelectForLoad or CaseDialogSelectForSave instead.

See also

The procedures CaseSelect, CaseSetCurrent, CaseSave.