Procedure CloneElement(updateSet, originalElement, cloneName, cloneElement, includeDefinedSubsets)


The procedure CloneElement copies the data associated with a particular element to another element.

  updateSet,              ! (input, output) a set identifier
  originalElement,        ! (input) an element in the set
  cloneName,              ! (input) a string that is the name of the clone
  cloneElement,           ! (output) an element parameter
  includeDefinedSubsets ) ! (optional) an integer, default 0.

The procedure CloneElement performs the following actions:

  1. It creates or finds an element with name cloneName: cloneElement. The element cloneElement is inserted into updateSet if it is not already there. This insertion is only permitted if updateSet does not have a definition.

  2. For each domain set of updateSet, say insertDomainSet, the element cloneElement is inserted into insertDomainSet if it is not already there. Such an insertion is only permitted if insertDomainSet does not have a definition.

  3. For each subset of updateSet, say insertSubset in which originalElement is an element, cloneElement is also inserted into insertSubset. If includeDefinedSubsets is 0, then insertSubset is skipped if it is a defined subset.

  4. The domain sets of steps 1 and 2, and the sets modified in step 3 form a set, say modifiedSets.

  5. Identifiers declared over a set in modifiedSets that meet one of the following criteria, are selected:

    • It is a non-local multi-dimensional set without a definition.

    • It is a non-local parameter without a definition.

    • It is a variable.

    • It is a constraint.

    These identifiers form the set modifiedIdentifiers.

  6. For each identifier in the set modifiedIdentifiers, and all suffixes of this identifier, the data associated with element originalElement is copied to cloneElement.



A one-dimensional set.


An element valued expression that should result in an element in updateSet.


A string expression that should result in a name that is in the set updateSet or can be added to that set.


An element parameter, in which the resulting element is stored.


When non-zero, defined subsets are included in the modifiedSets as well. When these defined subsets are evaluated thereafter again, this may result in the creation of inactive data. Inactive data can be removed by a CLEANUP or CLEANDEPENDENTS statement, see Data Control of the Language Reference. Defined subsets that are defined as an enumeration are never included.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 if successful and 0 otherwise. Possible reasons for returning 0 are:

  • originalElement is not in updateSet.

  • cloneName equals name of originalElement.

  • There are no identifiers modified.


If you want to make sure that the string cloneName is not yet an element in updateSet, use a statement like:

if ( not ( cloneName in updateSet ) ) then
    CloneElement( ... );
endif ;


With the following declarations (and initial data):

Set S {
    Index        :  i, j;
    Parameter    :  ep;
    InitialData  :  data { a };
Parameter P {
    IndexDomain  :  i;
    InitialData  :  data { a : 1 };
Parameter Q {
    IndexDomain  :  (i,j);
    InitialData  :  data { ( a, a ) : 1 };

the statement

CloneElement( S, 'a', "b", ep );

results in S, P, Q and ep having the following data:

S := data { a, b } ;
P := data { a : 1,  b : 1 } ;
Q := data { ( a, a ) : 1,  ( a, b ) : 1,  ( b, a ) : 1,  ( b, b ) : 1 } ;
ep := 'b' ;

See also

The function StringToElement, the procedure FindUsedElements and the procedure RestoreInactiveElements.