Function CaseGetDatasetReference(case, data-category, dataset)


With the function CaseGetDatasetReference you can, for every data category, obtain a reference to the dataset that is included in a specific case.

        case,             ! (input) element from the set AllCases
        data_category,    ! (input) element from the set AllDataCategories
        dataset           ! (output) element parameter into AllDataSets



An element in the set AllCases, refering to the case for which you want to retrieve the dataset reference.


An element in the set AllDataCategories, refering to the specific data category for which you want to obtain the dataset reference.


An element parameter into AllDataSets, on return this argument will contain the included dataset. It is set to the empty element if no dataset is included or if the dataset no longer exists.

Return Value

If any of the first two arguments does not refer to a valid case or data category, or if the data category is not part of the case type, then the function returns \(-1\) and CurrentErrorMessage will contain a proper error message. If a dataset is included, and this dataset still exists, then the function returns 1 and the argument dataset will refer to that dataset. If there is no dataset included, then the function returns 1 and dataset is set to the empty element. If a dataset is included, but this dataset has been deleted, then the function returns 0 and dataset is set to the empty element.


  • This function is only applicable if the project option Data_Management_style is set to Single_Data_Manager_file.

  • You can use the functions CaseGetType and CaseTypeCategories to check whether a specific data category is part of a case.

  • If the option Data_Management_style is set to disk_files_and_folders there is no valid replacement.

See also

The functions CaseGetType, CaseTypeCategories.