Procedure CaseFileSectionMerge(url, sectionName[, keepUnreferencedRuntimeLibs])


With the function CaseFileSectionMerge, you can merge the data of a user section in an existing case file with the current data in memory. When merging, the current data in memory will only be overwritten by the non-defaults of the identifiers stored in the case file section.

    url,                          ! (input) a scalar string expression
    sectionName,                  ! (input) a scalar string expression
    [keepUnreferencedRuntimeLibs] ! (optional) 0 or 1



A string referencing the url of the case file that should be merged. This url can point to a file on your local file system, or to a network location.


The name of the user section from which you want to load the data. Any leading or trailing spaces in the name are ignored, and an empty string is not allowed. The length of the name is limited to 27 characters.

keepUnreferencedRuntimeLibs (optional)

An integer value indicating whether or not any runtime libraries in existence before the data is loaded, but not referenced in the case file, should be kept in memory or destroyed during the data load. The default is 0, indicating that the runtime libraries not referenced in the case file should be destroyed during the case load.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success. If any other error occurs, the procedure returns 0 and CurrentErrorMessage will contain a proper error message.


  • This function is only applicable if the project option Data_Management_style is set to Disk_files_and_folders.

  • If your application is linked to the AIMMS PRO server, the url can also point to a case file stored at the server.