Procedure GMP::Column::GetUpperBoundRaw(GMP, colSet, ubs)


The procedure GMP::Column::GetUpperBoundRaw retrieves a collection of upper bound values corresponding to a given set of columns in the generated mathematical program.

     GMP,            ! (input) a generated mathematical program
     colSet,         ! (input) a subset of Integers
     ubs             ! (output) a real-valued parameter



An element in AllGeneratedMathematicalPrograms.


A subset of the set Integers, representing a set of column numbers. Each column number should be in the range \(\{ 0 .. n-1 \}\) where \(n\) is the number of columns in the matrix.


A real-valued parameter over colSet indicating the upper bound values of each column in colSet.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success, or 0 otherwise.


  • If a column has a unit then the scaled upper bound is retrieved (without unit).

  • This procedure is much more efficient than calling the function GMP::Column::GetUpperBound to get the upper bound of each column in colSet individually.