Set AllIdentifierTypes


The predefined set AllIdentifierTypes contains the names of all possible identifier types.

Set AllIdentifierTypes {
    Index      :  IndexIdentifierTypes;


The predefined set AllIdentifierTypes contains the names of all possible identifier types.


The contents of the set can not be modified; it has the following fixed contents:

AllIdentifierTypes := data
{ set                       ,
  calendar                  ,
  horizon                   ,
  index                     ,
  parameter                 ,
  'element parameter'       ,
  'string parameter'        ,
  'unit parameter'          ,
  variable                  ,
  'element variable'        ,
  'complementarity variable',
  constraint                ,
  arc                       ,
  node                      ,
  'uncertainty variable'    ,
  'uncertainty constraint'  ,
  activity                  ,
  resource                  ,
  'mathematical program'    ,
  macro                     ,
  assertion                 ,
  'database table'          ,
  'database procedure'      ,
  file                      ,
  procedure                 ,
  function                  ,
  quantity                  ,
  convention                ,
  LibraryModule             ,
  module                    ,
  section                   ,
  declaration               } ;

See also