Function CaseCompareIdentifier(FirstCase, SecondCase, Identifier, Suffix, Mode)


With the function CaseCompareIdentifier you can determine whether or not two cases differ with respect to a certain identifier.

        FirstCase,    ! (input) element in the set AllCases
        SecondCase,   ! (input) element in the set AllCases
        Identifier,   ! (input) element in the set AllIdentifiers
        Suffix        ! (optional) element in the set AllSuffixNames
        Mode          ! (optional) element in the set AllCaseComparisonModes



An element in the set AllCases


An element in the set AllCases


An element in the set AllIdentifiers, refering to the specific identifier that you want to compare.


An element in the set AllSuffixNames with respect to which you want to compare the data.


An element in the AllCaseComparisonModes with respect to how you want to compare the data.

Return Value

  • For numerical identifiers the function returns the differences between the values of the identifier in both cases, based on the mode. It can be the minimum, maximum, average, sum or count of all differences.

  • For non-numerical identifiers the function counts the number of differences between the identifier in both cases.