Function TestDate(Format, Date, requireUnique)


The function TestDate tests whether or not a particular date is according to given format.

     Format,        ! (input) a string expression
     Date,          ! (input) a string expression
     requireUnique  ! (optional) default 1.



A string that holds the date and time format used in the returned string. Valid format strings are described in Format of Time Slots and Periods


It is tested whether or not this string is according to format Format.


When 1, it requires the year number to be present in the date.

Return Value

The result of TestDate is 1 if Date is according to format Format and an existing data, and 0 otherwise. If the result is 0, the pre-defined identifier CurrentErrorMessage will contain a proper error message.


_bp_ok1 := TestDate( "%c%y-%m-%d", "2015-xx-xx" ); ! ok becomes 0; Not numeric.
_bp_ok2 := TestDate( "%c%y-%m-%d", "2015-02-29" ); ! ok becomes 0; Feb 2015 has only 28 days.
_bp_ok3 := TestDate( "%c%y-%m-%d", "2016-02-29" ); ! ok becomes 1; Feb 29, 2016 exists.
_bp_ok4 := TestDate( "%c%y-%m-%d", "2015-04-31" ); ! ok becomes 0; April 31 does not exist.
_bp_ok5 := TestDate( "%c%y-%m-%d", "2015-04-01" ); ! ok becomes 1; April 01 does exist (-;
_bp_ok6 := TestDate( "%m-%d", "03-03", requireUnique:1 ); ! Not unique, ok becomes 0.
_bp_ok7 := TestDate( "%m-%d", "03-03", requireUnique:0 ); ! Uniqueness not required; ok becomes 1.
_bp_ok8 := TestDate( "%Aw|AllAbbrWeekdays| %Am|AllAbbrMonths| %d, %c%y", "Mon Jul 22, 2024" ); ! ok becomes 1; Jul 24, 2024 is a Monday.
_bp_ok9 := TestDate( "%Aw|AllAbbrWeekdays| %Am|AllAbbrMonths| %d, %c%y", "Tue Jul 22, 2024" ); ! ok becomes 0; Jul 24, 2024 is not a Tuesday.

See also

The function CurrentToString.