Set LocaleTimeFormat


The predefined string parameter LocaleTimeFormat contains the AIMMS date-time format equivalent with the time format specified in the current system locale.

StringParameter LocaleTimeFormat;


The string parameter LocaleTimeFormat contains the AIMMS date-time format equivalent with the time format specified in the current system locale.


During system startup, the string parameter LocaleTimeFormat is computed on the basis of the information in the current system locale. The contents of the string parameter cannot be modified.


The string parameter LocaleTimeFormat can be used, for instance, in the TimeslotFormat attribute of a Calendar. The current system locale can be modified through the Regional Settings dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.

See also

The string parameters LocaleLongDateFormat, LocaleShortDateFormat. Calendars are discussed in full detail in Calendars of the Language Reference, date-time formats in Format of Time Slots and Periods