Function cp::Channel(mapBinding, map, inverseMapBinding, inverseMap)


The function cp::Channel links two arrays of variables such that they are uniquely matched to each other. For instance, see Fig. 1. This function is often used to model different perspectives of the same problem.

A situation accepted by :aimms:func:`cp::Channel`

Fig. 1 A situation accepted by cp::Channel

Mathematical Formulation

The function cp::Channel(i,x_i,j,y_j) returns 1 if for all \(i,j\): \(x_i=j\) implies \(y_j=i\) and vice versa. cp::Channel(i,x_i,j,y_j) is equivalent to

\[\forall i,j: x_i=j \Leftrightarrow y_j=i\]

Function Prototype

        mapBinding,        ! (input) an index binding
        map,               ! (input/output) an expression
        inverseMapBinding, ! (input) an index binding
        inverseMap         ! (input/output) an expression



The index binding corresponding to the domain of the first expression map.


For each element in mapBinding, map will contain an element in inverseMapBinding. This expression may involve variables.


The index binding corresponding to the domain of the second expression inverseMap.


For each element in inverseMapBinding, inverseMap will contain an element in mapBinding. This expression may involve variables.

Return Value

If a unique mapping between the two index bindings is created, this function returns 1. When the index bindings mapBinding and inverseMapBinding are both empty, this function returns 1 as well. In all other cases, the function returns 0, e.g. when the number of possible values of index binding mapBinding is different from that of the index binding inverseMapBinding.


  • The cp::Channel constraint is also referred to in the Constraint Programming literature as Inverse.

  • The cp::Channel constraint can be used to implement the one_factor(i,x(i)) or symm_AllDifferent(i,x(i)) constraints encountered in the Constraint Programming literature as cp::Channel(i,X(i),i,X(i)).


In a sports team scheduling problem, the following constraint

Constraint LinkingDuplicateView {
    Definition :  cp::Channel( s, Games(s), g, Slots(g) );

links the variable Games(s) to the variable Slots(g). A game is the identification number of a match between a home and an away team. A slot is the identification number of a week and a match within a week number. For each game, there is a unique slot and for each slot there is a unique game.

See also