Procedure IdentifierMemoryStatistics(IdentSet, OutputFileName, AppendMode, MarkerText, ShowLeaksOnly, ShowTotals, ShowSinceLastDump, ShowMemPeak, ShowSmallBlockUsage, doAggregate)


With the procedure IdentifierMemoryStatistics you can obtain a report containing the statistics collected by AIMMS’ memory manager for a single or multiple high dimensional identifiers.

     IdentSet,           ! (input) a set of identifiers
     OutputFileName,     ! (input) scalar string expression
     AppendMode,         ! (optional, default 0) scalar numerical expression
     MarkerText          ! (optional) scalar string expression
     ShowLeaksOnly       ! (optional) scalar expression
     ShowTotals          ! (optional) scalar expression
     ShowSinceLastDump   ! (optional) scalar expression
     ShowMemPeak         ! (optional) scalar expression
     ShowSmallBlockUsage ! (optional) scalar expression
     doAggregate         ! (optional, default 0) scalar expression



A subset of AllIdentifiers whose memory statistics are to be reported.


A string expression holding the name of the file to which the statistics must be written.


An 0-1 value indicating whether the file must be overwritten or whether the statistics must be appended to an existing file.


A string printed at the top of the memory statistics report.


A 0-1 value that is only used internally by AIMMS. The value specified doesn’t influence the memory statistics report.


A 0-1 value indicating whether the report should include detailed information about the total memory use in AIMMS’ own memory management system until the moment of calling IdentifierMemoryStatistics.


A 0-1 value indicating whether the report should include basic and detailed information about the memory use in AIMMS’ own memory management system since the previous call to IdentifierMemoryStatistics.


A 0-1 value indicating whether the report should include detailed information about the memory use in AIMMS’ own memory management system, when the memory consumption was at its peak level prior to calling IdentifierMemoryStatistics.


A 0-1 value indicating whether the detailed information about the MemoryStatistics memory use in AIMMS’ own memory management system is included at all in the memory statistics report. Setting this value to 0 results in a report with only the most basic statistical information about the memory use.


A 0-1 value (default 0) indicating whether a single aggregated report is to be presented or multiple individual reports.

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success, or 0 otherwise.


  • The procedure prints a report of the statistics collected by AIMMS’ memory manager since the last call to IdentifierMemoryStatistics.

  • AIMMS will only collect memory statistics if the option memory_statistics is on.