Function TimeZoneOffSet(FromTZ, ToTZ[, UseDST])


The function TimeZoneOffSet computes, in minutes, the offset between two time zones.

     FromTZ,     ! (input) an element expression
     ToTZ        ! (input) an element expression
     [UseDST]    ! (optional) 0 or 1



An element from the set AllTimeZones.


An element from the set AllTimeZones.

UseDST (optional)

A scalar expression specifying whether or not the current setting for daylight saving time (DST) in both time zones should be taken into account. The default is 0, indicating DST is not used.

Return Value

The result of TimeZoneOffSet is the offset, in minutes, between FromTZ and ToTZ.


The result of the function has an associated unit, namely minutes. If FromTZ is UTC, the offset of ToTZ is the usual offset with respect to UTC (or GMT).


Given the declarations:

Parameter p_tzOffset {
        IndexDomain: IndexTimezones;
        Unit: minute;
        Definition: TimezoneOffset('UTC',IndexTimeZones,0);
Set s_orderedTimeZones {
        SubsetOf: AllTimeZones;
        Index: i_otz;
        OrderBy: -p_tzOffset(IndexTimezones);
        Definition: Alltimezones-data{local,localdst};

In these declarations/definitions, first the offset with respect to UTC is computed. Based on that offset, the timezones are ordered.

The code:

block where single_column_display := 1;
        display p_tzOffset(i_otz) ;
endblock ;

This display statement uses the ordering of timezones above, and the first few lines are:

( p_tzOffset(i_otz) ) [minute] := data
{ 'Line Islands Standard Time'      :  840,
  'Samoa Standard Time'             :  780,
  'Tonga Standard Time'             :  780,
  UTC+13                            :  780,
  'Chatham Islands Standard Time'   :  765,
  'Fiji Standard Time'              :  720,
  'Kamchatka Standard Time'         :  720,
  'New Zealand Standard Time'       :  720,

See also

AIMMS support for time zones is discussed in full detail in Support for Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time and Working in Multiple Time Zones of the Language Reference.