Procedure FindUsedElements(SearchSet, SearchIdentifiers, UsedElements)


The procedure FindUsedElements finds all elements of a particular set that are in use in a given collection of indexed model identifiers.

     SearchSet,           ! (input) a set
     SearchIdentifiers,   ! (input) a subset of AllIdentifiers
     UsedElements         ! (output) a subset



The set for which you want to find the used elements.


A subset of AllIdentifiers, holding identifiers that are indexed over SearchSet.


A subset of SearchSet. On return this subset will contain the elements that are currently used (i.e. have corresponding nondefault values) in the identifiers contained in SearchIdentifiers.


Given declarations:

Set s_time {
        Index: i_t;
Set s_products {
        Index: i_prod;
Set s_productsAvailable {
        SubsetOf: s_products;
Set s_productsRequired {
        SubsetOf: s_products;
Set s_productsRequiredNotAvailable {
        SubsetOf: s_products;
Set s_supplyIds {
        SubsetOf: AllIdentifiers;
        Definition: Supply_data;
        Comment: "The identifiers stocking or supplying products.""}
Set s_demandIds {
        SubsetOf: AllIdentifiers;
        Definition: Demand_data;
        Comment: "The identifiers requiring products""}
DeclarationSection Supply_data {
        Parameter p_stock {
                IndexDomain: i_prod;
        Parameter p_production {
                IndexDomain: (i_prod,i_t);
DeclarationSection Demand_data {
        Parameter p_demand {
                IndexDomain: i_prod;

Specifying a bit of data:

! Get some sample data
s_time := elementRange(1,3, prefix: "t" );
s_products := ElementRange( 1, 5, prefix: "p" );
p_stock(i_prod) := data { p2 : 3, p3 : 5 } ;
p_production(i_prod,i_t) := data {
    ( p1, t1 ) : 4,
    ( p2, t2 ) : 3 } ;
p_demand(i_prod) := data { p1 : 3, p2 : 3, p4 : 3, p5 : 3 } ;

Then the code:

! Find the products that are on stock or can be produced:
    SearchSet         :  s_products,
    SearchIdentifiers :  s_supplyIds,
    UsedElements      :  s_productsAvailable);

! Find the products that are in demand:
    SearchSet         :  s_products,
    SearchIdentifiers :  s_demandIds,
    UsedElements      :  s_productsRequired);

display s_productsAvailable, s_productsRequired ;

Will produce:

s_productsAvailable := data { p1, p2, p3 } ;

s_productsRequired := data { p1, p2, p4, p5 } ;

In the listing file.

And the code:

! Check if we require products that are not available.
s_productsRequiredNotAvailable :=
    s_productsRequired - s_productsAvailable ;
if card( s_productsRequiredNotAvailable ) then
    raise error formatString(
        "The products %s are required, but cannot be made available",
        setAsString( s_productsRequiredNotAvailable ) );
endif ;

Will raise the error:

The products { p4, p5 } are required, but cannot be made available.

See also