AIMMS PRO Release Notes

PRO 25.1

AIMMS PRO 25.1.1 Release

On February 3, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 25.1.1(


  • On-Premise: Updated the java version that is shipped with PRO On-Premise from version 8 to version 23, solving various issues and potential security exploits found in the Java 8 version.

  • New Portal: Design and performance improvements for Apps page.

PRO 24.13

AIMMS PRO 24.13.1 Release

On December 20, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.13.1(


  • As informed in the Product update, with this PRO Release you will have a new look of AIMMS PRO Portal. (Note: As we are using phased approach for roll-out to customers, not all the customers will experience it after moving to this release. For more information and questions, please contact our Customer Support)

  • Session-Manager: A new REST API Service to interact with WebUI and Task sessions on AIMMS Cloud. Please see the documentation for more details.

  • PRO REST API:Managing Apps: It is possible to set resource profile (CPU and Memory limits) while publishing and updating an app using REST API. Please see the documentation for more details.

PRO 24.12

AIMMS PRO 24.12.2 Release

On December 13, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.12.2(


  • PRO REST API:Task Service: Task REST API is extended with the support for interrupt-execution. It is possible to interrupt the task execution itself outside of the solve. Please see the documentation for more details.

PRO 24.11

AIMMS PRO 24.11.2 Release

On December 3, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.11.2(

Resolved Issues

  • App could not be started when the user is trying to launch same app several times.

AIMMS PRO 24.11.1 Release

On November 29, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.11.1(

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where pro::sessionmanager::ListSessionsUsage could not return any data.

PRO 24.10

AIMMS PRO 24.10.1 Release

On October 29, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.10.1(


  • Introduction of auth-server, a new authentication and authorization service, to enhance compatibility with modern platforms.

  • Modernization of our proxy infrastructure by replacing the legacy web-router component with the new pro-proxy service.

  • Support for Portal3(new PRO Portal).

PRO 24.9

AIMMS PRO 24.9.3 Release

On October 18, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.9.3(

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a performance issue related to having many object versions (file versions) in the same folder. This performance issue could cause in extreme situations (over 300K+ object versions) result in an application not starting.

AIMMS PRO 24.9.2 Release

On October 8, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.9.2(

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where solver session could not finish and result in error when using solver lease.

  • Prevent sessions to get restarted when they get OOM killed.

AIMMS PRO 24.9.1 Release

On September 24, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.9.1(


  • Many of the 3rd party libraries and dependency libraries used by AIMMS PRO (for both on-premise and cloud) are upgraded to newer versions.

PRO 24.8

AIMMS PRO 24.8.2 Release

On August 1, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.8.2(


  • PRO REST API:Task Service:
    • It is possible to get the TaskID inside AIMMS while the procedure called by the task is running.

    • The appVersion query parameter is now optional in the GET pro-api/v2/tasks endpoint. If ‘appVersion’ is not provided, the version with the latest tag will be used by default. However, if ‘appVersion’ is not provided and the latest tag is not set for the app, an error will occur.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where a session could stuck in a crash loop and fail due to intermittent network issues.

AIMMS PRO 24.8.1 Release

On June 27, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.8.1(


  • Portal Customization (under configuration menu) is now available for SC Navigator accounts, which allows them to customize login page background and some other settings.

Resolved Issues

  • PRO REST API:Task Service: Fixed an issue where task session could finish with an error when accessing data to/from dls (Data Lake Storage) storage.

  • PRO REST API:Task Service: Added more information about the selected AIMMS version in logs.

PRO 24.7

AIMMS PRO 24.7.2 Release

On June 18, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.7.2(

Resolved Issues

  • The GetObjectInfo did not give an error when the file did not exist.

  • Fixed an issue where an update of the Spring Framework in AIMMS PRO 24.7.1 caused a too much load on Azure Service Bus.

AIMMS PRO 24.7.1 Release

On June 11, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.7.1(


  • Several potential security exploits were found in 3rd party libraries used by AIMMS PRO. These libraries have been removed (log4j) or updated (ActiveMQ and the Spring framework) to newer versions thereby resolving this security issues.

PRO 24.6

AIMMS PRO 24.6.2 Release

On May 24, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.6.2( only release)

Resolved Issues

  • Changed the wait for session start timeout from 1 minute to 3 minutes to fix session launch failures.

AIMMS PRO 24.6.1 Release

On April 26, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.6.1(


  • Some internal technical improvements.

Resolved Issues

  • On-Premise: Under heavy load a backwards compatibility feature for older AIMMS versions would potentially cause a webui session not to start. Starting with the combination of AIMMS PRO 24.6 and AIMMS 24.4 this feature will no longer be needed and thereby resolve the occasional not starting webui session under heavy load.

PRO 24.5

AIMMS PRO 24.5.1 Release

On April 5, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.5.1(


  • It is now possible to wait longer than the default 30 seconds for the Python service to start by specifying the startWaitTime argument of the LaunchService method. Please note that this does require AIMMS Version 24.3 or higher.

  • On-Premise: AIMMS PRO Postgres database is upgraded to Postgres 16.2 for Windows installation. This means upgrading to AIMMS PRO 24.5.1 will require a database migration of your AIMMS PRO database. Please contact AIMMS Customer Support to help you with this upgrade.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where external Python service was not accessible within AIMMS session on AIMMS Cloud Platform.

PRO 24.4

AIMMS PRO 24.4.2 Release

On March 26, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.4.2(

Resolved Issues

  • PRO REST API: Publishing an app could fail when publishBehavior = 0

AIMMS PRO 24.4.1 Release

On March 14, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.4.1(


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a permission issue where an App could be available to all users in some specific scenario.

PRO 24.3

AIMMS PRO 24.3.1 Release

On February 27, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.3.1(


  • Some internal improvement to handle AIMMS hotfix releases on cloud.

PRO 24.2

AIMMS PRO 24.2.2 Release

On February 22, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.2.2(


  • PRO REST API:Task Service: Task REST API is extended with a call back feature which will allow you to request a call back that informs you when your task is completed, without polling all jobs continuously. Please see the documentation for more details.

  • PRO REST API:Managing Apps: We have made some changes in ‘Managing Apps’ API service,

    • Publish app(POST request) returns application json instead of an empty response when app is successfully published.

    • Update app(PATCH request) returns application json instead of an empty response when app is successfully updated.

    • Metadata for POST request (Publish an App) is extended with publishBehavior, which will allow you to publish a new version of an existing application. Please see the documentation for more details.

AIMMS PRO 24.2.1 Release

On January 23, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.2.1(


  • PRO REST API: Starting with PRO 24.2.1, the latest version v2 of PRO REST API covers all the services(functionality) provided by version v1, this will allow you to generate single and complete OpenAPI interface and you do not have to worry about changing your client applications because a version is end-of-life.

  • Reduced start-up time for sessions on cloud.

Resolved Issues

  • Better error message when App permissions limit has been reached.

PRO 24.1

AIMMS PRO 24.1.1 Release

On January 9, 2024, we released AIMMS PRO 24.1.1(Cloud build:, On-Premise build:


  • Support for Conan2 AIMMS Versions (AIMMS Versions with Conan2 support will be released soon with AIMMS 24.1).
    (Note: If you are using an on-premise installation of AIMMS PRO then you will need to upgrade your AIMMS PRO to 24.1.1 such that you can use Conan2 AIMMS Versions)

PRO 2.52

AIMMS PRO 2.52.3 Release

On December 22, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.52.3(

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where MFA could be bypassed when the WebUI app is launched using an app launch link.

AIMMS PRO 2.52.2 Release

On December 1, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.52.2(


  • Tasks REST API v2 is extended with the ‘latest’ appVersion support. Please see the documentation for more details

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where session crashes or terminated sessions were incorrectly logged as out-of-memory crashes for data sessions.

  • Task REST API v2: Fixed an issue where tasks could stuck in the queued state when it failed to schedule a REST session.

AIMMS PRO 2.52.1 Release

On November 21, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.52.1(


  • We have released a newly designed Tasks REST API Service(v2) with this PRO Version. Please see the documentation for more details.

PRO 2.51

AIMMS PRO 2.51.2 Release

On September 26, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.51.2(

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue with the rest-server when calling PRO REST API services could result into 30002 error. (by implementing an auto-restart of the rest-server when it gets into the problematic state)

AIMMS PRO 2.51.1 Release

On September 5, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.51.1(


  • Fast publishing/verify session to reduce the timeouts during publishing of an AIMMS app. (Also available for On-Premise)

  • More explicit logging when session crashes due to the out of memory.

PRO 2.50

AIMMS PRO 2.50.1 Release

On July 25, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.50.1(


  • Added support to access Azure Data Lake Storage within AIMMS sessions using DEX Library.

  • Added extra logging when data session could not launch.

Resolved Issues

  • PRO REST API: Fixed an issue where a task could fail with an immediate response - HTTP code of 500 when passing a .JSON file of more than 100KB. (Please note that this fix will be fully available only when all cloud accounts are moved to AIMMS PRO 2.50.1 )

PRO 2.49

AIMMS PRO 2.49.2 Release

On June 1, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.49.2(

Resolved Issues

  • Assigning/updating an app permissions could not be possible when an environment is deleted which had an access to the app.

  • Fixed an issue where Tunnel App could crash when data is being imported. (This does require an AIMMS 4.96 or higher)

  • PRO REST API: Improved error message when passing incorrect date to retrieve tasks list.

  • PRO REST API: Fixed an issue where a task could fail with an immediate response - HTTP code of 500 when passing a .parquet file with a cell length of 60 or more characters per line.

  • PRO REST API: Fixed an issue where it could not create a task with 5MB+ input/output.

AIMMS PRO 2.49.1 Release

On May 19, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.49.1(


  • Starting with this PRO version each session recorded in the PRO Database will also record GBHour consumed (i.e memory consumed) per session.

  • PRO REST API: projectVersionId query parameter has been changed to projectVersion for GET Tasks.

  • PRO REST API: Starting with this version it is possible to configure REST session idle time at account level. Please see the documentation for more details. (Please note that this feature can be avail fully only when all cloud accounts are moved to AIMMS PRO 2.49.1)

Resolved Issues

  • PRO REST API: Fixed an issue with listing tasks when offset query parameter is set to 0.

  • PRO REST API: AIMMS authorizations has been removed from GET application info.

  • Fixed an issue where changing the permissions of previous version of an App could lead to PROAuthenticationEnvironment ‘127’ does not exist error message.

PRO 2.48

(We skipped PRO 2.47 because of internal technical reasons).

AIMMS PRO 2.48.2 Release

On March 24, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.48.2(

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where you could no longer see some validation messages on Users page.

  • Fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to assign the permissions to the previous versions of an App.

AIMMS PRO 2.48.1 Release

On March 16, 2023, we released AIMMS PRO 2.48.1(

New Features

  • PRO REST API: Extended the REST API with the new service - Managing API Keys, which allows you to retrieve, create and delete API Keys on your cloud environment. Please see the documentation for more details.


  • MFA(Multi-Factor Authentication) for AIMMS PRO Portal user account. Please see the documentation for more details.

  • Automatically getting the latest AIMMS Releases available on your cloud environment and always run your apps with the latest hotfix release of the major AIMMS release with which the app was published. Please see the documentation to get more details about this feature.

  • PRO REST API: The limits for REST session(Tasks) requests/responses have been increased from 32KB to 256MB.

Resolved Issues

  • PRO REST API: Fixed an issue where updating an app via REST API could result into ‘Environment does not exist’ error.

PRO 2.46

AIMMS PRO 2.46.1 Release

On December 20, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.46.1 (


  • PRO REST API: It is now possible to create, update and delete environments using REST API.

  • PRO REST API: Tasks are further separated from solver sessions such that Tasks will get their own CPU and memory limits, concurrent tasks limit and solver string (i.e. solvers that can be selected for Tasks). These can be configured at a account level by AIMMS Customer Support.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue introduced in PRO 2.45.1, where new Apps could erroneously published with the REST license profile and could no longer run the sessions from it.

PRO 2.45

AIMMS PRO 2.45.3 Release

On November 4, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.45.3 (

Resolved Issues

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue introduced in AIMMS PRO where the text inside map widget displayed in various languages instead of English.

AIMMS PRO 2.45.2 Release

On October 20, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.45.2 (

Resolved Issues

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue where solver session could fail when starting/running too many solver sessions.

AIMMS PRO 2.45.1 Release

On October 13, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.45.1 (

New Features

  • CRUD on Tasks: An extension to the AIMMS PRO REST API which allows users to perform CRUD operations on DEX-exposed tasks.


  • PRO REST API: Extended App Publishing API with the ‘Latest App Version’ tag support.

  • PRO REST API: It is now possible to publish an App with the icon.

  • Extended the maximum length of AIMMS PRO usernames to support the usernames with long domain names when logging-in via SAML/ActiveDirectory or directly to AIMMS PRO Portal.

PRO 2.44

AIMMS PRO 2.44.3 Release

On September 22, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.44.3 (Azure cloud build:, On-Premise build:


Azure Cloud Platform:

  • Enabled EncryptedAssertions for SAML Authentication.

  • Extended the SAML Connections such that it supports another format for specifying the URL.

Resolved Issues


  • Fixed an issue where maps could not load in the WebUI Applications.

AIMMS PRO 2.44.1 Release

On July 15, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.44.1 (


Azure Cloud Platform:

  • Added category support to App Publishing REST API. It is now possible to assign or update App category using category name when publishing or updating an App via REST API.

  • CPLEX Parallel Solve is now available on the AIMMS Cloud Platform. For large-scale scenario comparisons this may offer big solve time savings. Please contact us for technical information and pricing details.

  • Support for CmakeConan AIMMS Versions (AIMMS Versions with CmakeConan support will be released with AIMMS 4.88).

AWS Cloud Platform:

  • Support for CmakeConan AIMMS Versions (AIMMS Versions with CmakeConan support will be released with AIMMS 4.88).


  • Support for CmakeConan AIMMS Versions (If you are using an on-premise installation of AIMMS PRO then you will need to upgrade your AIMMS PRO to 2.44.1 such that you can use CmakeConan AIMMS Versions. AIMMS Versions with CmakeConan support will be released with AIMMS 4.88).

PRO 2.43

AIMMS PRO 2.43.2 Release

On May 24, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.43.2 (


  • Cloud: Some technical improvements for Azure Cloud Platform.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where jobs scheduled in future could start before the scheduled date/time while there are queued jobs.

  • Added more clear error message in the session log when a AIMMS PRO User could not access/read a case file from the AIMMS PRO Storage.

PRO 2.42

AIMMS PRO 2.42.1 Release

On March 31, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.42.1 (


  • Cloud: Some internal improvements for getting ready for Azure Cloud Migration.

Resolved Issues

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue where user could no longer login to AIMMS PRO Portal via SAML Authentication when user’s e-mail contained uppercase characters.

PRO 2.41

AIMMS PRO 2.41.2 Release

On March 4, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.41.2 (


  • Cloud: We added more clear and meaningful error message when there are no more licenses available and a user could no longer launch an application due to that.

  • Cloud: Some internal fixes for getting ready for Azure Cloud Migration.

AIMMS PRO 2.41.1 Release

On February 8, 2022, we released AIMMS PRO 2.41.1 (


  • Added support for the OAuth Authorization Code flow for WebUI applications running on PRO.

  • Cloud: On AIMMS Cloud Platform we have stopped supporting the outdated TLS versions 1.0/1.1, henceforth we only support TLS 1.2.

    • If you are running WinUI PRO applications, you may need to download and install a new AimmsPROAppLauncher from the AIMMS PRO portal which supports TLS 1.2.

    • If you are using the .NET PRO API, please make sure that you are compiling your application using .NET 4.7+ which supports TLS 1.2.

Resolved Issues

  • Relaxed the domain names restrictions in user’s e-mail when creating users in PRO such that it accepts domain name like .one, .mail, .cloud etc.

PRO 2.40

AIMMS PRO 2.40.1 Release

On December 14, 2021, we released AIMMS PRO 2.40.1 (


  • Cloud: AIMMS PRO end user’s App launch link will no longer result in ‘cannot find the project’ error when the new(latest) version of the App is available instead it will provide you with the link which points to the latest version.

PRO 2.39

AIMMS PRO 2.39.1 Release

On September 28, 2021, we released AIMMS PRO 2.39.1 (


  • Cloud: Extended AIMMS PRO Library with pro::management::RetrieveAccountInfo which allows you to retrieve your AIMMS Cloud Platform Account characteristics (i.e. DNS_NAME, CONCURRENT_SOLVES, CONCURRENT_USERS, CUSTOMIZATION_PROFILE, SOLVER_LICENSES). Please note that this does require an AIMMS Version 4.82 or higher.

Resolved Issues

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue where WebUI sessions could not start when too many solver sessions are scheduled without having enough license capacity on AIMMS Cloud Platform.

PRO 2.38

AIMMS PRO 2.38.2 Release

On July 8, 2021, we released AIMMS PRO 2.38.2 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where newly added user could not login to the Active Directory environment on AIMMS PRO.

AIMMS PRO 2.38.1 Release

On June 10, 2021, we released AIMMS PRO 2.38.1 (


  • Cloud: Added support to use Gurobi on the AIMMS Cloud Platform through the new Gurobi Web License Service offered by Gurobi Optimization. For details, please see the documentation. (This does require an AIMMS Version 4.81 or higher).

PRO 2.37

AIMMS PRO 2.37.2 Release

On March 23, 2021, we released AIMMS PRO 2.37.2 (


  • Updated AIMMS PRO AppLauncher with the recent .NET version 4.7 such that it can support the servers which uses TLS 1.3.

  • Cloud: Added validation for a ‘Company CIDR’ such that it validates the specified network range while adding a VPN connection for a cloud application database.

  • Cloud: Added validation for a database ‘Username’ while creating a cloud application database.

Resolved Issues

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue where the CPU hard limit was misconfigured for the solver session which is started from a WebUI Application.

AIMMS PRO 2.37.1 Release

On January 15, 2021, we released AIMMS PRO 2.37.1 (


  • Cloud: Improved the way we schedule the sessions on AIMMS Cloud Platform and this will also enable the automatic up-scaling of session nodes when needed.

  • Cloud: Solver session could crash due to lack of resources (not enough CPU/Memory on AIMMS Cloud Platform). This has been changed such a way that solver session will get queued and re-scheduled once the resources are available.

  • Cloud: Some internal technical improvements.

PRO 2.36

AIMMS PRO 2.36.3 Release

On January 7, 2021, we released AIMMS PRO 2.36.3 (build

Resolved Issues

  • When the Applauncher fails to download a complete file this file will now be removed, causing next launch to re-attempt to download that file, instead of using the leftover corrupt file.

  • Fixed an issue where it always require to authenticate again during SAML/ADFS authentication for the users who use Microsoft Azure AD as a SAML/ADFS identity provider.

  • Cloud: The update to TLS v1.3 caused incompatibilities with he MS SQL Server ODBC driver, resulting in crash. This has been fixed.

  • Cloud: Fixed a rare issue with computing the current license usage.

AIMMS PRO 2.36.2 Release

On October 27, 2020, we released AIMMS PRO 2.36.2 (build for On-premise, build for AIMMS Cloud Platform).

Resolved Issues

  • The .NET PRO API now depends on a latest armi4net.dll that fixes an IPV6 issue running on Linux.

  • Added support for connecting to servers that use TLS v1.3 HTTPS encryption. (This does require an AIMMS Version 4.76.4 or higher)

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where PRO database backup could not be restored after a clean install of AIMMS PRO due to the table mismatch.

  • On-Premise: There was an issue where sessions got stuck in the queue when having too many queued sessions in some rare circumstances.

AIMMS PRO 2.36.1 Release

On September 15, 2020, we released AIMMS PRO 2.36.1 (


  • We have extended logging for AimmsPROAppLauncher with more information in the ProWebLink log file and the error dialog to the user.

  • When the AimmsPROAppLauncher.exe is installed using elevated rights, AimmsPROAppLauncher log file(ProWebLink.log) will be written to %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%/ProWebLink.log allowing the normal users to write to the log file. (For normal installation it will still write to %LOCALAPPDATA%/AIMMS/PRO/AppLauncher/<version>/ProWebLink.log)

Resolved Issues

  • There was an issue where WebUI app could crash or hang when having a long-running WebuiPageOpen procedure.

  • There was an issue with running concurrent solve sessions where only one session could run and rest of the sessions remained queued in some rare circumstances. (when license usage count is updated incorrectly in the AIMMS PRO database due to the race condition)

PRO 2.35

AIMMS PRO 2.35.5 Release

On July 9, 2020, we released AIMMS PRO 2.35.5 (

Resolved Issues

  • There was an issue with the closing of WebSocket SSL connections that occurs under rare circumstances, resulting in a non-responsive status.

  • There was an issue with executing a terminate request for a queued session that occurs under rare circumstances, resulting in that queued session to be started before that terminate request was processed and continue to hang for an hour while holding a license, thereby potentially not allowing other sessions to be started.

AIMMS PRO 2.35.1 Release

On May 15, 2020, we released AIMMS PRO 2.35.1 (


  • Cloud: We made improvements in gathering statistics about the cloud resource availability and usage.

Resolved Issues

  • We fixed an issue in the PRO API for Java and .NET where it would fail to run remote procedure calls with non-scalar arguments. IMPORTANT: you need to download the PRO API again from the PRO server and rebuild your programs against that latest version of the API. Just running the new server will NOT result in this issue being fixed.

  • Sessions would always get the default priority when the matching rule specified to use a lower priority (higher number).

PRO 2.34

AIMMS PRO 2.34.3 Release

On April 16, 2020, we released AIMMS PRO 2.34.3(

Resolved Issues

  • We addressed a memory leak where over time SAML/ADFS logins would cause the server to crash due to out-of-memory.

  • There was an issue with improper encoded cookies, causing penetration tests to give false positives.

AIMMS PRO 2.34.2 Release

On February 7, 2020, we released AIMMS PRO 2.34.2(


  • On-Premise: Meaningful naming for AIMMS PRO Session logs, which now includes AppName, AppVersion, startupMode and timeStamp in the log file name. (Please note that once you upgrade your PRO to 2.34.2, please do ‘Restore all to defaults’ and ‘Save Settings’ from Portal’s Configuration >> Log Management Menu then only Session log file name can have these attributes)

Resolved Issues

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Launcher could not installed on Windows Server 2016.

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Java API programme could not run as it was not able to find renewed certificate. Please make sure that you update your API and all relevant root certificates are available on the relevant machines meaning running the system updated regularly.

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue where scheduled sessions could not be handled(i.e. could fail to start) by AIMMS PRO Backend when your AIMMS PRO Cloud Platform is updated with new version.

PRO 2.33

AIMMS PRO 2.33.3 Release

On December 20, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.33.3(

Resolved Issues

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Server was saving storage objects (i.e. cases) in the local timezone of the machine, which caused offset in date/time of saved shared cases in the AIMMS Application. From this PRO Version new storage objects will be stored in UTC. Please note that it will not convert the date/time for the already existing objects.

AIMMS PRO 2.33.2 Release

On October 18, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.33.2(

Resolved Issues

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where upon connection loss between solver session and the backend the solver session would run the optimization procedure a 2nd time.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Space (’ ‘) character is no longer allowed for passwords when creating the Cloud Application Database.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: On the Apps page, the tip to first publish/activate an AIMMS version before publishing an App contained incorrect link.

  • Fixed an issue where the AIMMS PRO Launcher dialog could disappear after the Application was not able to start successfully, not allowing the user to browse easily to the log file.

  • Fixed an issue where dialog to open AppLauncher could disappear before you can click it while launching a WinUI application.

  • The ‘+’ sign in project names caused problems launching a WebUI application; the ‘+’ sign is no longer allowed in project, user, group and environment names.

  • Added validation to user e-mail address for invalid characters and format.

AIMMS PRO 2.33.1 Release

On September 24, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.33.1(


  • Extended AIMMS PRO Library with pro::storage::ExistsBucket and pro::storage::ExistsObject which allows you to check whether Directories or Files exist in the AIMMS PRO Storage. For details, please see the documentation. (This does require an AIMMS Version 4.69 or higher).

PRO 2.32

AIMMS PRO 2.32.2 Release

On August 22, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.32.2 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where WinUI apps could fail to launch with Firefox 67 or higher.

  • On-Premise: AIMMS PRO Server could go out-of-memory when running daily maintenance jobs to do cleaning operations on the database.

AIMMS PRO 2.32.1 Release

On July 9, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.32.1 (build for On-premise, build for AIMMS Cloud Platform). Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Technical improvements for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

Resolved Issues

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where starting two or more sessions at nearly the same time could lead to not being able to start new sessions due to a wrong count on licenses in use.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where iFrame could no longer display EMBED and image on the Cloud(AIMMS PRO will now no longer deny embedding iFrame when the source is from same origin).

PRO 2.31

AIMMS PRO 2.31.4 Release

On June 6, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.31.4 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an error message while publishing an existing WebUI project (created with AIMMS 4.66 or lower) using AIMMS Version 4.67.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue with the SAML/ADFS authentication where some customers could not login to AIMMS PRO Portal.

AIMMS PRO 2.31.3 Release

On May 21, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.31.3 (


  • DB Tunnel App: Provides easy and occasional access to the AIMMS Cloud App database running in VPN. Please see the documentation for more details.

Resolved Issues

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where installation or upgrade to AIMMS PRO 2.30 or higher could fail on some Windows Servers due to the incorrect version detection check by AIMMS PRO.

AIMMS PRO 2.31.2 Release

On May 7, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.31.2 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Removed unwanted error message from the Tunnel configuration when adding a tunnel to the Cloud Application Database.

  • On-Premise: Fixed possible vulnerability with the AIMMS PRO Configurator.

AIMMS PRO 2.31.1 Release

On May 3, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.31.1 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • AIMMS Cloud Platform is extended with the secure VPN access to your application databases running on the cloud, which allows more safe and secure database communication.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform users can create/configure/migrate their application databases through the ‘Database Configuration’ page under the ‘Configuration’ menu of the AIMMS PRO Portal. Please see the documentation for more details.

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: IP Ranges page is functioning again, meaning you can add/delete IP Ranges through the Portal by yourself.

  • Fixed the authorization of shared cases folder such that they will get r,w,x rights for every group/user when there is a access(any from r,w,x) for an App and will deny r,w,x rights for every group/user when the App access is denied.

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue with the AIMMS PRO Desktop when validating the expired certificates.

PRO 2.30

AIMMS PRO 2.30.4 Release

On April 5, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.30.4 (, which is intended for AIMMS Cloud Platform only.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where widgets could not load in the WebUI Applications when running on the AIMMS Cloud Platform.

AIMMS PRO 2.30.3 Release

On March 28, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.30.3 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue with the AimmsPROLauncher where it could stop and display an error when launched by a user with elevated rights who is not allowed to write to the Program Files folder. Now AimmsPROLauncher will be installed into the default AppDataLocal folder of the user in such cases.

  • On-Premise: Disabled client-side certification by default in the AIMMS PRO Configurator for SSL configurations.

AIMMS PRO 2.30.2 Release

On March 5, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.30.2 (

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where long running solver session could stay in ‘closing’ state for a long time.

  • Fixed an issue where uploading files to AIMMS PRO using WebUI-Upload widget could fail when it takes more than 60 seconds to upload.

AIMMS PRO 2.30.1 Release

On February 15, 2019, we released AIMMS PRO 2.30.1 (


  • Extended AIMMS PRO Library with pro::messaging::GetQueueAuthorization and pro::messaging::UpdateQueueAuthorization to have more control on the Queue Authorization. For details, please see the documentation. (This does require an AIMMS Version 4.63 or higher).

  • Added ‘Launch App’ button to quickly launch an app right after publishing. For details, please see the documentation.

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where solver or data session could no longer start.

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where installation or upgrade to AIMMS PRO 2.28 or higher could fail due to missing vcredist2010 dlls.

  • Fixed an issue where Desktop App could fail to launch with an ‘Unknown Error’ being raised.

PRO 2.29

AIMMS PRO 2.29.2 Release

On January 22, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.29.2 ( Please note that we skipped version 2.29.0 and 2.29.1 due to technical reasons.


  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: AIMMS PRO 2.29 contains the functionality required to support our redesigned and rebuilt AIMMS Cloud Platform software. This redesigned version is easier to maintain and removes a number of information security vulnerabilities.

  • Several improvements on error messages.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes AimmsPROLauncher could fail to launch a desktop application when using IE and Edge browsers.

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes launching an app using direct app URL could launch another instance(s) of the same app every 10 minutes.

  • Fixed an issue where older AIMMS versions (AIMMS 4.25 or lower) could no longer work with AIMMS PRO 2.27 or higher.

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue with the configurator not accepting strong ciphers for SSL configurations.

  • On-Premise: Fixed an issue where uploading new certificate to PRO certificate store could fail.

PRO 2.28

AIMMS PRO 2.28.3 Release

On November 29, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.28.3 (


  • AIMMS PRO Portal will no longer show ‘License profile’ during App publish or App update when there is only single license profile for your AIMMS PRO.

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where non-release:d/internal AIMMS Versions got listed on the AIMMS Cloud Platform.

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Root/Administartor could no longer change his/her own password in some specific scenario.

  • Fixed an issue where incorrect error messages were logged in PRO session logs.

AIMMS PRO 2.28.2 Release

On November 13, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.28.2 (


  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: From now our development and customer support teams will be notified when maintenance (clean-up) jobs fails or hangs which caused some downtime recently on AIMMS Cloud Platform.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Improved our code such that cloud users now do not experience ‘no disk space’ problem while publishing or opening an App.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO upgrade could fail when ‘General Users’ group of ROOT environment is deleted.

AIMMS PRO 2.28.1 Release

On November 8, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.28.1 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO desktop sessions could crash or close itself when there is no network connection.

AIMMS PRO 2.28.0 Release

On October 18, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.28.0 (


  • Extended security logging with more security events like App publish, App update, App edit and App delete.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where Jobs page could list the jobs which already exceeded the job retention time.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where scheduled job could fail to start when the new AIMMS PRO Version is deployed to the AIMMS Cloud Platform.

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes two data sessions could be started with the same id when user double clicks the application.

PRO 2.27

AIMMS PRO 2.27.0 Release

On September 25, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.27.0 (


  • Metering service (which stores memory and CPU usage of the PRO session to database) is refactored for internal improvement.

  • Increased default timeout for WinUI session from 1 minute to 15 minutes.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where it allowed user to add ‘Other’ in app categories, which is also the default app category and it resulted into duplicate categories.

  • Fixed an issue where WebUI app could fail to launch when app name contained square brackets.

PRO 2.26

AIMMS PRO 2.26.1 Release

On August 21, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.26.1 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue introduced in AIMMS PRO 2.26.0 which caused the WebUI to no longer show stored case files.

  • The .NET PRO API now depends on a newer version ( of Newtonsoft.Json.dll.

AIMMS PRO 2.26.0 Release

On August 17, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.26.0 ( Please note that, although the .26 number suggests otherwise, this is a bug fix release instead of a Feature Release.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue with the ControlPanel app where closing ‘Attributes’ or ‘Security’ window in the ‘Application details’ of the selected Project could lead to a crash.

  • Fixed an issue with the AIMMS PRO API where it displayed incorrect fatal log message immediately after closing the server connection without any actual error.

  • Fixed an issue with the AIMMS PRO API where server.downloadStorageFileToLocalFile could not create the file in specified directory and could create 0 kb file when downloading non-existing file from storage.

  • Fixed an issue with the PRO Case Manager where it could take long time to list all case files from PRO Storage.

  • Fixed an issue where launching a WebUI app could fail when the ‘customer text’ from the license server contains space.

PRO 2.25

AIMMS PRO 2.25 Release

On July 20, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.25.0 (


  • Categories: AIMMS PRO Portal allows you to group your Apps into categories. For details, see the documentation.

  • Added option to change App description and logo after publication. For details, see the documentation.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Small solves (which takes 2 or 3 seconds) can be much faster on the AIMMS Cloud using Solver Lease instead of DelegateToServer. For details, see the documentation. This does require an AIMMS Version 4.57 or higher.

  • AIMMS PRO Sessions are now logged to a separate file per session under log/Sessions folder of the Server. This also fixes the issue where session could fail when two sessions writing to Session.log at the same time.

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where new users cannot login to AIMMS Cloud using SAML environments.

  • Fixed an issue where tunnel could not reconnect after connection loss.

PRO 2.24

AIMMS PRO 2.24.3 Release

On July 12, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.24.3 (

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS PRO API: the API call to JobInteractor.waitForEvent will now return an error when the connection with the server has been severed.

AIMMS PRO 2.24.2 Release

On July 5, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.24.2 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where connection to AIMMS License Server could fail while running concurrent solver sessions.

  • Fixed an issue with AIMMS PRO API where migration of Java API could fail as it required elevated privileges.

AIMMS PRO 2.24.1 Release

On July 3, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.24.1 (


  • Improved UI and visuals for ‘Tag App as latest’ and ‘Default Environment’ features.

AIMMS PRO 2.24.0 Release

On June 26, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.24.0 (

New Features

  • Default Environment: AIMMS PRO Administartors can set the ‘Default’ environment for login to the AIMMS PRO Portal, meaning end users now no longer need to select the Environment on the login page (of course user can still select the other environment from the list). For details, see the documentation.

  • Direct App Launch: Now it is possible to directly launch desktop/WebUI app without first going to the Apps(applications) page after successful authentication to your AIMMS PRO portal. For details, see the documentation.

  • Tag App as latest: App developers/publishers can assign ‘latest’ tag to the App when they have a newer version of the App published and make the latest version available to all end users. For details, see the documentation.

  • Security logging has been enabled for AIMMS PRO security events like user logon, logoff, logon failure, user group and user details changes, changes in the user management. Please note that this log is already configured for new on-premise AIMMS PRO installations and for existing installations it need to be configured manually. For details, see the documentation.

Resolved Issues

  • Improved error message when user cannot access the AIMMS PRO data folder while opening WinUI app.

  • On-premise: Metering service (which stores memory and CPU usage of the PRO session to database) is adjusted such that it no longer submits telemetry by default.

PRO 2.23

AIMMS PRO 2.23.3 Release

On June 12, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.23.3 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where Active Data Sessions page could crash after deleting the App with running session.

  • Fixed an issue where App could not be launched when it has a same name and version as some existing App which is deleted.

AIMMS PRO 2.23.2 Release

On June 5, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.23.2 (build for On-premise, build for AIMMS Cloud Platform). Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Hittting the maximum cardinality limit(1000) for each argument in a DelegateToServer call will no longer result in an error for on premise installations. In the cloud environment this will still result in an error being raised.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where retrieving PRO environments/users could fail within AIMMS PRO API.

  • Fixed an issue where data could not be loaded in WebUI session when you interrupt/cancel solve.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to add ‘IP Ranges’ for more than 5 cloud accounts in US region.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO portal could not be available due to the lost connection to PRO back-end.

AIMMS PRO 2.23.1 Release

On May 11, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.23.1 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: AIMMS PRO users will be blocked for 5 minutes after 3 unsuccessful login attempts.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO portal could not be available due to the lost connection to PRO back-end.

AIMMS PRO 2.23.0 Release

On April 26, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.23.0 (build for On-premise, build for AIMMS Cloud Platform). Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Strong passwords are enforced for AIMMS PRO Users. Please note that this is not applied to your current passwords. It is applicable only when you change the current password or create new user.

  • Starting with AIMMS PRO 2.23, AIMMS PRO users will be blocked for 5 minutes after 3 unsuccessful login attempts. (Please note that this functionality is not yet available on AIMMS Cloud Platform, it will be available in next release)

  • ‘Seat Management’ page is back to the Portal. Please see the documentation for more details.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue that caused the ‘interrupt solve’ command issued to the solver session to be executed with a long delay.

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO API jobs were listed on ‘Jobs’ page for all users.

PRO 2.22

AIMMS PRO 2.22.1. Release

On March 29, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.22.1 (


  • AIMMS PRO API now supports Java 7.

Resolved Issues

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where sometimes WebUI sessions could terminate after being idle or busy for 30 seconds.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Portal failed to load ‘apps’(now applications) page when using bookmark or shortcut to this page.

AIMMS PRO 2.22.0 Release

On March 13, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.22.0 (


  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: It is no longer required to publish an AIMMS Versions in the cloud. All released (>=AIMMS 4.37) AIMMS Versions are made available in the cloud and Administrators/AIMMS Publishers just need to activate the AIMMS Version into their AIMMS Cloud Platform. Please see the documentation for more details.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Faster start-up of WebUI Applications.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: Added ‘Description’ and ‘Created’ fields to the IP Range and DB IP Range pages.

  • AIMMS Cloud Platform: For Application Database, added support for more subnet masks.

  • Added ‘process id’ for sessions on Portal’s ‘Jobs’ and ‘Active Data Sessions’ page which can be used to report issues about failed sessions.

PRO 2.21

AIMMS PRO 2.21.1 Release

On March 2, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.21.1 (

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where App deletion could fail in some specific scenarios.

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes WebUI applications could not be started due to the database error.

  • Fixed the default configuration for one of the AIMMS PRO Server component where it could not be reached from other server in AIMMS PRO Cluster setup.

AIMMS PRO 2.21.0 Release

On February 16, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.21.0 (


  • Improved support for SAML Authentication.

  • AIMMS Versions are sorted in descending order while App publishing/Updating.

  • Improved logging for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where pro::PROUserFullname and pro::PROUserEmail could be blank when used in Desktop/WebUI Applications. This does require a new AIMMS version >= 4.50.

PRO 2.20

AIMMS PRO 2.20.0 Release

On January 16, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.20.0 (


  • AIMMS PRO now supports SAML Authentication meaning AIMMS PRO framework allows you to link any environment to a SAML identity provider (e.g. AD FS) so that your users may be authenticated using your own user management system. Please see the documentation for more details.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where solver session could crash after running for 24 hours.

  • Fixed an issue where where app publishing could fail when an aimmspack file is exactly a multiple of 1 MB( 1024*1024 bytes).

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue with ‘DB IP Ranges’ page when there is no application DB configured.

PRO 2.19

AIMMS PRO 2.19.0 Release

On January 3, 2018, we released AIMMS PRO 2.19.0 (


  • ‘DB IP Range Blocking’ is added to the AIMMS Cloud Platform. It enables customers to enhance the security of their AIMMS PRO Application Databse by limiting the access to only specific IP-ranges. Admin users can specify one or more IP-ranges through the ‘DB IP Ranges’ page under the ‘Configuration’ menu of the AIMMS PRO Portal.

Resolved Issues

  • The AIMMS PRO Configurator no longer contains the Migration tab. If you need to migrate from PRO 1 to PRO 2, please migrate first to AIMMS PRO 2.0 and then upgrade to the latest version.

  • Fixed an issue where an AIMMS project with ‘+’ symbols in its name could not be deleted.

  • Fixed an issue where an AIMMS project with dots in its version (e.g. ‘1.a’) could not be deleted.

  • Fixed the ordering on the Apps page, such that published projects are now ordered by name.

  • Fixed an issue with the occupied seats counting being incorrect.

  • Overall stability improvements.

PRO 2.18

AIMMS PRO 2.18.1 Release

On December 7, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.18.1 (

Resolved Issues

  • Improved memory consumption for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

  • Fixed an issue where solver session could crash after running for 24 hours.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the PRO server to become unresponsive when a large number of messages is coming in.

AIMMS PRO 2.18.0 Release

On November 21, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.18.0 (


  • Stability improvements for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

  • ‘IP Range Blocking’ is added to the AIMMS Cloud Platform. It enables customers to enhance the security of their AIMMS PRO environment by limiting the access to only specific IP-ranges. Admin users can specify one or more IP-ranges through the ‘IP Ranges’ page under the ‘Configuration’ menu of the AIMMS PRO Portal. For more details please see the documentation.

  • AIMMS PRO APIs are now version independent, so that AIMMS PRO API users would not need to compile their API Programmes with every AIMMS PRO Upgrade.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where queued sessions could not be started when having multiple worker(license) profiles in AIMMS PRO Configurator.

  • Fixed an issued introduced with PRO 2.16 concerning PRO user/group management from within the AimmsPROLibrary.

PRO 2.17

AIMMS PRO 2.17.2 Release

On November 2, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.17.2 (


  • Moved the ‘Queue Priorities Settings’ section from AIMMS PRO Configurator to the Configuration menu of the AIMMS PRO Portal in order to make it available for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue that caused AIMMS to crash (under certain rare circumstances) when the connection to the PRO server was lost.

  • Fixed an issue where launching a WebUI app could fail when the ‘customer text’ from the license server contains space.

  • Added support for SSL and TCP tunnels from within AIMMS PRO sessions to any location. This does require a new AIMMS version >= 4.44.

AIMMS PRO 2.17.1 Release

On October 19, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.17.1 (


  • New functionality for the AIMMS Cloud Platform internal workings.

  • Improvements in the AIMMS PRO Cluster, now it is more fail-proof and decentralized.

  • Added ‘Active Data Sessions’ page under the Configuration menu of the AIMMS PRO Portal. For more details please see the documentation.

  • Removed ‘Monitoring’ pages and menu from the AIMMS PRO Portal which was mainly used by AIMMS PRO Developers.

PRO 2.16


On September 7, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO Changes made in this release are listed below.

Important: If you want to use AIMMS 4.40 and higher, you should use this PRO version or higher.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Desktop session could crash when the physical connection to the AIMMS PRO server has fallen away, while the desktop client has not yet fully become aware of this.


On August 17, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Added date of publish and improved architecture details of the AIMMS PRO Packages on the AIMMS Versions page.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where user could delete case files from ‘PRO Shared Cases’ without having write permission.

  • Cloud: Fixed an issue where listing case files under PRO storage could very slow using the AIMMS case manager for desktop Apps.


On July 19, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where changing any widget options in WebUI apps could fail and result in the red dialog messages in the case of clean install of AIMMS PRO 2.16.


On July 13, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • The AIMMS PRO App Launcher will now display a dialog box when it is transferring WinUI applications (after clicking ‘Launch App’ for WinUI apps).

  • Memory footprints of the AIMMS PRO services are now reduced.

    Resolved Issues

    • Fixed an issue where the PRO upgrade could cause validation errors in the AIMMS PRO Configurator when a hostname under server node was in uppercase.

    • Fixed an issue where WebUI apps could not be launched when the full name of the AIMMS PRO user contained spaces.

AIMMS PRO 2.16.2 Release

On June 23, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.16.2 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Improved logging in the AIMMS PRO Launcher.

  • Removed spurious logging statements for expected exceptions.

  • The AIMMS PRO Launcher will immediately become responsive again and let the user know that the application could not be started when it is failed to launch the AIMMS application.

    Resolved Issues

    • Fixed an issue where the PRO server could get into infinite loop after renaming the hostname, resulting into low performance.

    • Fixed an issue where relaying of PRO messages potentially could lead to delays due to connections not being available.

    • Added more logging when saving/loading a case in PRO such that when it fails, it is more clear what the reason was.

    • The AIMMS PRO services on Windows are now depending on the ‘TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper’, ‘Remote Procedure Call (RPC)’ and ‘Server’ stock Windows-services to be operational before starting. This solves an issue in which after a long Windows Update sequence the AIMMS PRO services did not start up correctly.

    • PRO API: Fixed an issue in the PRO API that caused injecting of procedure calls into running sessions to fail.

    • PRO API: Added a queue method to the JobInteractor that allows to queue another ProcedureCall after the current one is finished.

    • Cloud: Fixed an issue which caused the App icons and login background to disappear when upgrading from 2.16.0. to 2.16.1.

AIMMS PRO 2.16.1 Release

On June 13, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.16.1 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Stability improvements for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

AIMMS PRO 2.16.0 Release

On April 25, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.16.0 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Ability to delete multiple Apps and unused Aimms Versions.

  • Added new menu ‘Configuration’ for PRO Administrators which contains the configuration settings for Active Directory, Retention Time, Portal Customization, Tunnels. For more details, please see AIMMS PRO Manual

  • Moved some of the configuration settings like Active Directory, Retention Time, Portal Customization, Tunnels from AIMMS PRO Configurator to AIMMS PRO Portal’s new menu ‘Configuration’ in order to make these features available for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

    Resolved Issues

    • Stability fixes for AIMMS Cloud Platform.

    • A problem was addressed with lost connections with the WebUI.

PRO 2.15

AIMMS PRO 2.15.1 Release

On April 7, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.15.1 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Stability improvements for WebUI applications by changing the way in which the WebUI widgets are served. They now run as a separate process.

    Resolved Issues

    • Fixed an issue with WebUI applications where zooming in or out in a Map widget or having an upload/download widget in the application could result in some incorrect messages.

    • Fixed an issue where the AIMMS PRO server could become unresponsive for several minutes due to the high load of incoming messages sent by a solver session.

PRO 2.14

AIMMS PRO 2.14.1 Release

On February 20, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.14.1 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where older AIMMS versions (i.e.AIMMS 3.13,4.0) could no longer work with AIMMS PRO 2.13 or higher.

AIMMS PRO 2.14 Release

On February 16, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.14 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Security improvements for AIMMS PRO Configurator and portal.

  • Added some system characteristics information in client session logs.

  • Refactored session queue time/run time calculation by adding ‘initialising’ state between ‘queued’ and ‘running’ state, where the time between initialising and finished is the time spent in AIMMS, and the time between queued and initialising is the actual queued time.

  • WebUI sessions are killed immediately and seat is released when user logs out from the AIMMS PRO portal.

    Resolved Issues

    • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO configurator displayed improper error message when AIMMS PRO License is expired.

    • Fixed an issue where incorrect details displayed on seat monitoring page when logged into non-ROOT environments.

PRO 2.13

AIMMS PRO 2.13.4 Release

On January 12, 2017, we released AIMMS PRO 2.13.4 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Improved stability of networking code (connections between running apps and PRO backend).

    Resolved Issues

    • Fixed an issue with displaying non-Latin characters in WebUI applications.

    • Fixed an issue with presence of non-Latin characters in resources of WebUI applications.

    • Fixed an issue with upload files functionality in WebUI applications.

      IMPORTANT: AIMMS PRO API users need to recompile their Java or C# programme after upgrading to AIMMS PRO 2.13 with the latest AIMMS PRO API library. No changes in the code are required, all that’s needed is to recompile the project and supply the new version with the latest library included.

AIMMS PRO 2.13.3 Release

On December 23, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.13.3 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • License sessions are now counted per user/device combination, instead of per session. This means that one user can now run multiple apps whilst only occupying one session. Please note that this requires a version of the license server version or higher. Click Download Network License Server.

    IMPORTANT: AIMMS PRO API users need to recompile their Java or C# programme after upgrading to AIMMS PRO 2.13 with the latest AIMMS PRO API library. No changes in the code are required, all that’s needed is to recompile the project and supply the new version with the latest library included.

AIMMS PRO 2.13 Release

On November 30, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.13 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • AIMMS PRO now provides support for proxy-servers that require NTLM authentication.

  • Technical improvement in order to support different compilers.

    IMPORTANT: AIMMS PRO API users need to recompile their Java or C# programme after upgrading to AIMMS PRO 2.13 with the latest AIMMS PRO API library. No changes in the code are required, all that’s needed is to recompile the project and supply the new version with the latest library included.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an UI issue on Permissions page where long environment and user group names could be truncated.

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Logs zip archive downloaded from ‘Log Management’ menu could not extract correctly.

PRO 2.12

AIMMS PRO 2.12.7 Release

On November 1, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12.7 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Further improvement in authenticating certain proxies.

AIMMS PRO 2.12.6 Release

On October 27, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12.6 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO could not authenticate certain proxies.

  • Fixed an issue where the AppLauncher would wrongly display the progress in the progress bar when transferring larger (>20 MB) AIMMS applications.

AIMMS PRO 2.12.5 Release

On October 21, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12.5 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO request manager could not respond on client side after the time is changed due to the automatic configuration of daylight savings.

AIMMS PRO 2.12.4 Release

On October 18, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12.4 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO processes could cause memory leak over time, per connection to the AIMMS PRO Server.

AIMMS PRO 2.12.3 Release

On October 13, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12.3 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Added more detailed logging and error message in AimmsPROLauncher while launching AIMMS desktop applications when no of concurrent connections exceeds the limit (by default limit is up to 50 connections).

AIMMS PRO 2.12.2 Release

On September 15, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12.2 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where pro::RetrieveFileFromCentralStorage did not return 1 on a successful file retrieval.

  • Fixed an issue where uploading a file through UploadWidget in WebUI applications resulted in error.

AIMMS PRO 2.12.1 Release

On September 6, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Added new parameter ‘ReconnectToRunningSessions’ under pro::session in AIMMS PRO Library, which will allow not to reconnect to status updates when set to 0.

    Resolved Issues

    • Added pro::NormalizeStoragePath and pro::SplitStoragePath to the interface of the AIMMS PRO Library, hence it’s available from outside the PRO Library.

    • Fixed an issue where licenseName argument of pro::DelegatetoServer was not taken into account.

AIMMS PRO 2.12 Release

On August 25, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.12 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Extended AIMMS PRO API with a new method Server.deleteFileFromStorage which deletes a file from AIMMS PRO storage. For details, see the documentation.

PRO 2.11

AIMMS PRO 2.11 Release

On August 9, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.11 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Extended AIMMS PRO ‘Administrative Tools’ menu with ‘Log Management’ page, through which

    • Admin user can download AIMMS PRO log files from AIMMS PRO Portal in a single zip archive so that they can be easily submitted to the client support in case of any issues.

    • Admin user has ability to change AIMMS PRO log settings from AIMMS PRO Portal so that it’s easier to change the log level to track down an issue and then put it back to the default value. For more details, please see AIMMS PRO Manual.

  • AIMMS PRO now provides support for proxy-servers that require Kerberos authentication.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue which caused the SQL error while setting user level permissions for the apps in some specific scenario.

  • Fixed an issue where the PRO launcher did not comply fully with IETF standards for communicating with proxy-servers.

PRO 2.10

AIMMS PRO 2.10.6 Release

On July 22, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.10.6 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where Launcher could not work when the windows login name contained spaces.

  • In combination with newer (>= 4.23) AIMMS version:

    • When a fatal application error occurs on a solver or data session a dump file is now generated in %AIMMSPRO_DATADIR%\ErrorReports.

    • Fixed an issue with saving the last WebUI data-session state (case file) when large amounts of data were involved.

AIMMS PRO 2.10 Release

On July 8, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.10 ( Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Admin user has ability to delete seat for WebUI apps and WinUI apps (for WinUI apps only ‘reserved’ seats can be deleted) through Administrative Tools – Seats Monitoring menu.

  • Added support for connections through web ports to AIMMS PRO API.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue with connecting to certain proxy servers that would cause the initial handshake to fail while the connection was actually accepted correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where user group cannot be deleted when it has a very long name with character ‘_’ (underscore).

  • Fixed an issue where user could be redirected to adLogin login page due to browser’s ad-blocker setting of users.

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO was creating many JVM mini dump files on the PRO server.

  • Fixed an issue where case or data files could get corrupted due to the failed uploads which were not remove from PRO Storage.

PRO 2.9

AIMMS PRO 2.9.10 Release

On June 17, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9.10 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue which was causing memory leaks on a rare configuration of certain solvers.

AIMMS PRO 2.9.9 Release

On June 7, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9.9 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue with the API that caused not releasing resources when possible at the server.

  • Added logging of server-side resource consumption.

 AIMMS PRO 2.9.8 Release

On May 27, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9.8 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS Desktop launcher could not connect directly when a connection through proxy-server fails and could not launch the app.

  • Fixed an issue where Licence took long to be free in some scenarios.

  • Proper error message will be displayed when the tunnel endpoint is not reachable.

AIMMS PRO 2.9.7 Release

On May 4, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9.7 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where some Apps could not launch through IE.

  • Decreased the time from 4-5 minutes to 25 seconds for License to be free when client lost a physical connection (when client is not reachable).

AIMMS PRO 2.9.6 Release

On April 22, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9.6 (Build Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • Increased default timeout for JobConfig from 5 minute to 1 hour in AIMMS PRO API.

  • AIMMS PRO Portal now gives message when files are not downloaded correctly to the client and it deletes files from %localappdata%\Aimms\PRO\\ folder so that it can be downloaded again successfully.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue with launching WebUI applications that appeared with some HTTPS certificates.

  • Fixed an issue where Upload widget in WebUI applications could stop working after running data session for some time.

  • Fixed an issue where admin user could not see jobs submitted by all other users via ListAllJobs in AIMMS PRO API.

AIMMS PRO 2.9.5 Release

On April 14, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO Changes made in this release are listed below.


  • We have set the memory limits for AIMMS PRO Java processes in order to limit the memory usage of the server during solver sessions.


On April 5, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where it was still able to accept SSL RC4 ciphers.

AIMMS PRO 2.9.4 Release

On April 1, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9.4 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Upgraded internal web server component to patch a security issue.

  • Disabled various deprecated SSL ciphers to make the SSL connection more secure.

  • Changed AIMMS PRO API so that it can allow multiple invocation of the same JobConfig/ProcedureCall instance.

  • Fixed an issue where launcher failed to launch the desktop apps (which contained spaces in App name) on some versions of Internet Explorer.

AIMMS PRO 2.9.3 Release

On March 24, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9.3 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a web socket tunnel issue which caused the connection lost after 5 minutes ideal time.

  • Fixed an issue where starting an application from PRO portal could result in errors in some scenarios.

  • Fixed an issue where PRO portal was not removing temporary files from C:WindowsTemp.

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes PRO portal could not accept new HTTPS connections.

AIMMS PRO 2.9.2 Release

On March 11, 2016, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.9 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where incoming websocket traffic could be intermittently truncated due to which multiselect widget in WebUI apps remained empty.

AIMMS PRO 2.9.1 Release

On March 10, 2016, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.9 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where Active Directory users which belongs to many user groups were not able to login to PRO.

AIMMS PRO 2.9 Release

On February 25, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.9 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

Resolved Issues

  • Improved logging and more specific error messages for Active directory.

  • Fixed an issue where publishing a WebUI app under a same name that has been used before was messing up the WebUI layout.

  • Fixed an UI issue on account settings page.

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS WebUI upload widget could fail due to incomplete AIMMS PRO configuration in the case of clean install.

  • Added proxy support which allows web sockets used in AIMMS to connect over a proxy.

PRO 2.8

AIMMS PRO 2.8 Release

On February 5, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.8 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

New Feature

  • Extended AIMMS PRO API with two new methods Server.downloadStorageFileToLocalFile and Server.uploadLocalFileToStorage which allows to put and get files in/from the AIMMS PRO Storage so that the AIMMS models can work get data from externally generated input files and output results to the files that can be used externally. For details, see the documentation.

Resolved Issues

  • User was not able to update an App when do not have ‘execute’ permission.

  • Double click on App icon did not launch correct app when having more than 12 apps on Apps page.

  • Active directory users were not able to re-login to PRO using Internet explorer unless they restart the browser.

  • PRO services were able to start with an expired PRO license, where it should not.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the desktop client to no longer handle update messages from the solver/server session.

PRO 2.7

AIMMS PRO 2.7 Release

On January 28, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.7 (build Changes made in this release are listed below.

New Feature

  • The main feature of AIMMS PRO 2.7 is that it now also supports AIMMS PRO on a Linux server (of course, PRO 2.7 still runs just fine on Windows). Running AIMMS PRO on a Linux Server is somewhat different from running AIMMS PRO on a Windows Server. The main difference lies in the field of AIMMS PRO installation. The Windows installation process remains unaltered.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue causing the AIMMS PRO desktop client not to start for users that have non-UTF7-characters in their Windows login name (i.e. äbc, ééms).

  • Fixed an issue causing message-processing to stop under certain conditions when invoking pro::messaging::WaitForMessages.

  • Fixed an issue where AIMMS PRO Desktop client was not able to reconnect to active solver session by using request manager’s progress window option when application is launched again.

PRO 2.6

AIMMS PRO 2.6.4 Release

On January 8, 2016, we released AIMMS PRO 2.6.4 (build The following improvement has been made in this release:

  • Fixed tunnel issue where websocket proxy was always picking up the very first tunnel as destination, in scenario when more than one tunnels are configured.

AIMMS PRO 2.6.3 Release

On December 24, 2015, we released AIMMS PRO 2.6.3 (build The following improvement has been made in this release:

  • Fixed support for IE-8. Now AIMMS PRO portal functionally works on IE 8.


On December 15, 2015, we released AIMMS PRO The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • Improved stability for HTTPS connections.

  • Changed authorization check so that admin can view users from another environments that belong to a group from his/her group.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the AIMMS PRO Desktop client not to start correctly when the solvers.slv file was present inside the published aimmspack.

  • AIMMS PRO portal now supports .gif  for Login page background image and for Company logo.

AIMMS PRO 2.6.2 Release

On December 4, 2015, we released AIMMS PRO 2.6.2 (build The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • Improve performance of HTTP and especially HTTPS connections to PRO server, especially in medium- to high-latency scenarios. HTTPS and HTTP now exhibit the same speed.

  • Solved stability issues of websocket connections over HTTPS from the PRO desktop client to the PRO backend services. In scenarios where multiple messages were exchanged in relatively high frequency, the connection could be dropped, and the PRO desktop client could crash or hang.

  • Fixed a configurator issue leading to null-pointer exceptions when certain configuration fields were left empty.

  • Fixed an issue where downloading a case from the request manager could fail.

  • Fixed an issue where permissions set on environments would not propagate to groups and users within such environments

  • User permissions set for a user from one environment will now also be shown when the user is displayed as a group member in another environment.

AIMMS PRO 2.6 Release

On November 4, 2015, we released AIMMS PRO 2.6 (build The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • Branding: We have redesigned the look and feel of the AIMMS PRO portal to match our updated AIMMS branding. In addition, we introduced a customization feature that lets you add your own branding and in-house support contact details. For details, see the documentation.

  • Improved the navigation in the AIMMS PRO Configurator.

  • Improved the ability to diagnose problems by improving the log outputs.

  • Improved tunnel functionality.

    • Multiple connections over same tunnel.

    • Authorizations errors are now emitted during starting of tunnel instead of upon accessing the tunnel by e.g. the ODBC driver.

  • Improved stability for central storage operations.

PRO 2.5

AIMMS PRO 2.5 Release

On September 25, 2015, we released AIMMS PRO 2.5 (build The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • API: The new AIMMS PRO API allows you to build custom Apps in Java or C# code using the AIMMS PRO platform e.g. submit ‘solve jobs’ from these Apps. Next to AIMMS Windows and WebApps, this means you can now deploy AIMMS inside Apps; ideal for e.g. closed loop optimization. In addition, the AIMMS PRO API allows you to perform most tasks supported by the AIMMS PRO job request manager. For details, see the documentation.

  • Backup-and-restore function: This extension to AIMMS PRO allows administrators to recover from e.g. equipment failure and database corruption, and to return to an earlier configuration of the AIMMS PRO Setup. Backups can be scheduled and/or manually-triggered. Having this in place will also help our Client Support team to better support you, as the created back-up files allow us (when shared) to more easily reproduce your AIMMS PRO configuration in case of questions. For details, see the documentation.

PRO 2.4

AIMMS PRO 2.4.2 Release

On September 9, 2015, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.4 (build The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • Fixed an issue with opening a model with the ‘&’-sign in the namesolved.

  • Fixed an issue with deleting some apps that were published in earlier versions of AIMMS PRO.

  • Fixed an issue with migration from PRO 1.0 resulting in the broken configuration.

AIMMS PRO 2.4.1 Release

On August 10, 2015, we released AIMMS PRO 2.4 (build The following improvement has been made in this release:

  • We added tunneling functionality – see the manual topic on this.

  • The PRO Configurator is now a Windows service. It is now a web page and can be accessed by going to http://your-server-name:9191. It will require authentication; please provide the Admin user credentials.

  • The dispatcher Windows service no longer exists.

  • Minor user experience improvements:

    • For clients using a non-Windows OS (e.g. iOS, Android, OS X), Active Directory environments are no longer visible in the environments list on the PRO login page.

    • For clients using a non-Windows OS (e.g. iOS, Android, OS X), AIMMS Desktop Applications are no longer visible in the applications list on the PRO Apps page.

  • Various stability fixes.

PRO 2.3


On August 5, 2015, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.3 (build The following improvement has been made in this release:

  • An error that occurred when trying to delete a storage bucket with several layers of child buckets has been resolved.


On July 20, 2015, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.3 (build The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • When removing an app, PRO now also deletes the data in the storage at the server. From now on: – If you delete a project/AIMMS versions, all files that belong to it, are removed both from both the storage folder (C:ProgramDataAimmsPRODatastorage) and the publishing folder (C:ProgramDataAimmsPRODatapublishing). – After installing this Hotfix your publishing folder will be automatically cleaned up from all obsolete data – If you upgrade from AimmsPRO- or lower, then the storage folder will be automatically cleaned up from all deleted projects/AIMMS versions. – If you upgrade from AimmsPRO-, then the files in the storage folder will remain, but you would be able to remove them from there using the Control Panel app.

  • In the PRO 2.3 version, changes made to the networking code contained a bug that would occasionally (depending on network/computer load) manifest itself by failing case-uploads/solves.


On July 8, 2015, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.3 (build The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • The PRO server did not start when there were still jobs queued for an already deleted project.

  • The AIMMS PRO Desktop (and Launcher) now also loads certificates from the “Intermediate Certification Authorities”, allowing them to verify certificates issued by certain Certificate Providers.

  • The overall stability of the communication library has been improved.

AIMMS PRO 2.3.1 Release

On June 25, 2015, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.3 (build The following improvements have been made in this release:

  • There were some problems with the pro::authentication::GetEntityList function.

  • The ‘revert to user default layout ‘ functionality for WebUI applications didn’t always work correctly.

  • Improved overall stability for WebUI applications.

  • A stability fix was done for the PRO desktop client.

AIMMS PRO 2.3 Release

AIMMS PRO 2.3 allows AIMMS WebUI apps to run on any node in a PRO cluster. Previously, the WebUI app would only run on the node on which it was published. Therefore we added the following features:

  • Publishing a WebUI application makes it available to all the nodes in a PRO cluster.

  • Additionally, running WebUI applications are now distributed evenly across all the nodes in the cluster (upon clicking Launch).

  • AIMMS PRO 2.3 allows the PRO administrator to understand how the cluster is configured and how the license profiles are used: the administrator has access to a set of monitoring pages. For more information, click here.

  • When upgrading from a previous version of PRO to 2.3, you should run the PRO configurator and start the PRO services from there.

  • If you want to use this version of PRO with WebUI apps, you should at least use AIMMS 4.6 for that. If you already have WebUI apps published with an earlier AIMMS version, please republish these with AIMMS 4.6.

  • Due to missing .dll’s, sometimes the services could not start.

  • Sometimes, a ‘data connection lost’ message was displayed when using WebUI apps.

  • There was a problem that would leave WebUI Data Sessions processes running upon stopping the service; upon stopping or restarting all active sessions are now killed.

PRO 2.2


On April 22, 2015, we released a bug fix on AIMMS PRO 2.2 (build

  • This release enables you to use up to 255 characters for the group names in your user setup.

AIMMS PRO 2.2.1 Release

The AIMMS PRO 2.2 Release was released on April 15, 2015 (build

AIMMS PRO 2.2 offers better integration between AIMMS PRO desktop apps and AIMMS WebUI apps. Therefore we added the following feature:

  • All available client licenses will now be distributed between AIMMS PRO desktop and WebUI apps in a coordinated manner.

  • The client licenses for WebUI sessions that are idle will be reclaimed after a configurable amount of time.

PRO 2.1

AIMMS PRO 2.1 Release

The AIMMS PRO 2.1 Release was released on March 30, 2015 (build

The purpose of PRO 2.1 is to make the IT installation and roll-out to end-users easier. Therefore we added the following features:

  • In case you have setup AIMMS PRO to use Active Directory for user management, users no longer need to explicitly log into the PRO portal. When opening up the portal, users will automatically be routed to the overview of AIMMS apps assigned to them.

  • As browsers are dropping the plug-in support, we developed an ‘App Launcher’ as a replacement. Users only need to download and install this once.

  • To remove the need to open several firewalls ports to be able to run AIMMS apps over PRO, we have condensed all network traffic to one port. Using this feature requires AIMMS 4.4 or higher.

  • We now offer encrypted data transfer (SSL/https) for WebUI users.

  • Please note that when using WebUI with PRO 2.1 you do need AIMMS 4.4 or higher. Also, you need to republish all existing WebUI apps under PRO 2.1 to use AIMMS 4.4. You need to republish all existing PRO desktop apps if you want to benefit from the ‘one firewall port’ feature.