WebUI Release Notes

All WebUI release notes of AIMMS versions older than AIMMS 24.4 can be found here. From AIMMS 24.4 onwards, the WebUI can be added to your AIMMS project as a repository library from the Library Manager in AIMMS (see here).

WebUI 24.9

WebUI 24.9.1 Release (July 22, 2024).


  • We have introduced a new widget type, called “Iframe Widget”. This widget makes it possible to embed external content, such as reports and other web pages, directly into your AIMMS WebUI application. For details about this widget, please see the documentation.

  • We have introduced a new “End-User Mode Preview” button in the page header section. Clicking this button opens the current WebUI page in a new tab, displaying it from the perspective of the end users. This feature provides a quick and easy way to preview how your end users will experience the WebUI.

  • The AIMMS WebUI library has been enhanced with a new webui::RequestShowNotification(message, title) procedure. This feature allows the WebUI to trigger operating system notifications directly from the browser window in which it is running. An example use case is, you can call this procedure after a solve action in an AIMMS procedure to notify the user that the optimization has been completed. See the documentation for more details.

WebUI 24.8

WebUI 24.8.1 Release (July 17, 2024).


  • The Diagram Widget now uses the domain condition of the arcs identifier in the following way: in case a connection between two nodes is not in the index domain, the target node will not show any target feedback (i.e. a blue rectangle). And, in case a certain node cannot have any outgoing connection, it will not be possible to create a new arc starting from that specific node in the first place.

Resolved Issues

  • The Table Widget will now restrict mouse wheel scrolling to within the bounds of the data, preventing scrolling beyond the start or end of the table. This should help with the confusion when using Tables in small grid areas, where you are expecting the data to fit perfectly.

WebUI 24.7

WebUI 24.7.4 Release (July 3, 2024).

(Due to internal technical reasons, we skipped the WebUI 24.7.3 Release).

Resolved Issues

  • Changing the updateability of identifiers in a WebUI widget by adding them to (or removing them from) the set CurrentInputs did not work correctly in widgets that contained more than one identifier for which the updateability had changed.

WebUI 24.7.2 Release (June 25, 2024).

Resolved Issues

  • When uploading a large file using webui::RequestFileUpload, a veil is now displayed to indicate that AIMMS is busy. An appropriate message is also displayed.

  • Previously, in the MultiSelect widget, custom annotations, if configured, were listed under the data-annotations DOM attribute of the elements. To maintain consistency across the WebUI, starting with this WebUI 24.7.2 release, custom annotations will now be loaded under the class DOM attribute of the elements in the MultiSelect.

WebUI 24.7.1 Release (June 20, 2024).


  • We have created a new widget type, called ‘Tabbed Widget’. This widget makes it possible to show multiple pages inside a single widget, as separate tabs. This can serve as a much cleaner solution than using hidden widgets on a page, as it basically allows you to show anything you need within the same space on a WebUI page, depending on the context. For full details, please see the documentation. The Tabbed widget is available as an Experimental Feature, and it is enabled by default.

  • The Table widget now also supports item actions when clicking in the row or column header of the table. See the documentation for more details.

WebUI 24.6

WebUI 24.6.2 Release (June 18, 2024).

Resolved Issues

  • The Label widget now officially supports HTML content. As a security precaution, any content enclosed within script tags are ignored.

  • When selecting an Element Parameter as an input for Store-Focus options on a Combination Chart widget, it was not possible to select an Element Parameter that is ranged over a Super-Set for the given index.

  • There was a superfluous warning about an uninitialized local string parameter webui::LocalFileNames after creating a new project.

  • Previously, clicking on the labels in Table header cells caused the menu indicator to stay fixed to the cells. Now the chevron appears when you hover over the cells, and the context menu can be accessed by either double-clicking the labels in the header cells or by clicking on the menu indicator.

WebUI 24.6.1 Release (May 24, 2024).


  • The store focus mechanism has been extended, such that it does not only work when giving cells the focus, but also when clicking on row or column header cells. In that case, only the element parameters of the indices present in the clicked row or column header cell will be updated.

  • The Table widget now allows copying content from a single cell and pasting it onto a block of cells or multiple scattered cells.

  • Now the widget menu button provides the CSS class name ‘has-widget-actions’ when widget actions are available for a widget.

Resolved Issues

  • The Table Filtering dialog displayed the ‘raw’ identifier names, instead of the translated identifier names using ElementTextIdentifier annotations.

WebUI 24.5

WebUI 24.5.2 Release (May 16, 2024).

Resolved Issues

  • When using Primary Page Actions on a page, and when configuring a label for the button, that label would prevent you from interacting with anything in an even wider area around it, also when not hovering the button itself and the label was still invisible. Now, only the button itself will be ‘always on top’.

WebUI 24.5.1 Release (May 15, 2024).


  • The design of and the interaction with the Diagram Widget has been improved to provide better and more consistent feedback while displaying, managing and selecting the nodes, labels and connecting lines.

  • The WebUI library now incorporates information about the customer’s browser language. App developers can leverage this information to deliver language-specific content on the UI. For details, please see the documentation.

  • You can utilize index domain conditions to limit arcs being added from or to specific node types in the Diagram Widget. Previously, when such an arc was added, it remained on the diagram until further interaction. Such arcs are promptly removed from the UI.

Resolved Issues

  • In the previous version, an error was encountered when users clicked on aggregator cells in the table with Store-Focus settings configured. Now, clicking on aggregator cells will effectively clear the store-focus entry from the respective index.

  • We have revised the message displayed on the Combination chart in instances where the chart fails to load all data points.

  • When using the “Upload “.xlsx” action from the Table widget menu in combination with a file format different from .xlsx and.xls, AIMMS would crash. Now only these file formats are enforced.

WebUI 24.4

WebUI 24.4.1 Release (April 25, 2024).


  • If an option in the options editor is derived from a Template, this is now indicated properly with a ‘t’ icon next to it.

  • It is now also possible to use Table filtering on Table widgets that are displayed on a Dialog page.

  • We extended the recently introduced WebUI feature that allows you to show ‘raw’ html in a table cell in WebUI (the documentation) to the filtering. In case a certain cell is shown as html, the text filters (e.g. ‘contains’, ‘starts with’) will exclude any text that is within an html tag. For example, if a certain cell that is shown as html contains the value <span class=”author”>Hemingway</span>, the cell will not match when specifying a ‘contains’ filter with search string “author”. In other words, it will only search in the actual displayed text that is a part of the html fragment.