Publishing on AIMMS PRO
By publishing an AIMMS WebUI app on the AIMMS PRO platform, the application is made available to the PRO end users. The steps of this process can be summarized as follows:
Create and test your AIMMS app with WebUI, such that it is ready to be published. Please remember to prepare the model for solving on PRO, including automatically loading the results upon solve completion (in case your model does require a solve).
Go to File menu of the AIMMS development environment and select Export End User Project. This command exports your project as an .aimmspack file which can be used for publishing. In the Select Files for Export pop-up dialog shown during the export, please make sure that you include the WebUI subfolder of your project in the exported .aimmspack. Also, if your model contains a startup case, please make sure to include the ‘Data’ subfolder as well.
Make sure that (the latest version of) PRO 2 has been installed on your server (or on your local machine, if you want to test the app locally) and you have proper access to it. Also, please check that an AIMMS PRO-package has been published on PRO.
Now open your PRO portal and publish your app by uploading the .aimmspack file which you saved in step 2, using the correct AIMMS PRO Package.
After publishing it, you can launch the app from the AIMMS PRO portal and the WebUI of the app will be opened in your browser.
Example Projects
In our GitHub repository, some WebUI example projects are available. To run an example, please perform the following steps:
Download the example project from the WebUI-Examples GitHub repository.
Unzip the downloaded application.
Start a recent AIMMS version and open the
project file.Once the project is opened, start the WebUI by pressing the WebUI button on the toolbar.