
Communication scenario’s

One can think of several scenario’s in which a path of communication needs to be set up between AIMMS and an external software component. The two most common scenario’s are listed below.

  • You have a collection of functions within an external DLL which you want to use to perform certain data manipulations within your AIMMS model through calls to an ExternalProcedure or ExternalFunction.

  • From within your own application you want to open an AIMMS project, pass input data to it, solve an optimization model, and retrieve the solution.

Exchanging data

The most straightforward method to set up communication between AIMMS and an external DLL is by calling an external procedure or function from within your model. If, during such a call, the data of one or more scalar or low-dimensional indexed identifiers need to be passed to the DLL, the easiest way to exchange this data is by passing either a single scalar value or a (dense) array of scalar values as arguments to the corresponding DLL function. For higher- dimensional identifiers, however, the memory requirements for passing array arguments may grow out of hand, and additional control may be needed.

Application-controlled execution

With only the possibility to call external procedures and functions from within an AIMMS model, however, you have no possibility, from within an external application, to

  • open an AIMMS project,

  • initiate the exchange of data, or

  • execute one or more procedures in your model.


The AIMMS Application Programming Interface (API) described in this chapter addresses both the drawbacks associated with dense data transfer, and the need to control the execution of an AIMMS model from within an external application. Fig. 15 provides a schematic overview of the capabilities to communicate using both the concept of external procedures and functions and the AIMMS API.


Fig. 15 Interaction between AIMMS and an external DLL

Left-to-right arrows are implemented through external procedure and function calls within your model, while all right-to-left arrows are provided for by the AIMMS API.


Central to the AIMMS API is the concept of handles. Handles are represented by unique integer numbers, and provide indirect access to named identifiers and procedures within an AIMMS model. Access to the associated objects within the model is through the functions of the API. With every identifier or procedure in the model, multiple handles can be associated, each of which may behave differently when passed to a function in the AIMMS API depending on its declaration or on the sequency of API functions previously applied to it (e.g. during sparse data retrieval). Handles can be created by AIMMS and passed as arguments to a DLL function, or can be created from within an external application.

API functions

Through the functions in the AIMMS API, you can initiate further actions on a given identifier or procedure handle from within an external application. More specifically, the API functions allow you to

  • obtain information about identifiers in the model, such as domain, range and type,

  • set up sparse data communication between an identifier in the AIMMS model and an external application, and

  • request either synchronous or asynchronous execution of a procedure within the AIMMS model.

C interface

AIMMS only provides a C interface to the functions in its API. When you are using a different language which requires a different interface, you should implement the required interface yourself in C++ or in a compatible language.

Single example

This remainder of this section will provide you with a simple ExternalProcedure declaration and the associated C function that illustrates the basic use of the AIMMS API and further familiarizes you with the basic concepts. Because of the many API functions and their interdependence, it is practically impossible to provide illustrative examples for each API function separately in the context of the this language reference. Therefore, the subsequent sections will only explain the semantics of each separate API function.

Example: printing identifier info

The following C function accepts the name of an AIMMS identifier with double-valued values. It queries AIMMS for a handle to that identifier, the corresponding domain and all associated values. For the sake of conciseness, the DLL function does not check all return values passed by the AIMMS API functions.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <aimmsapi.h>

DLL_EXPORT(void) print_double_aimms_identifier_info(char *name) {
   int  handle, full, sliced, domain[AIMMSAPI_MAX_DIMENSION],
        tuple[AIMMSAPI_MAX_DIMENSION], storage, i;
   char file[256], buffer[256];
   FILE *f;

   AimmsValue  value;
   AimmsString strvalue;

   /* Create a handle associated with the identifier name passed */
   AimmsIdentifierHandleCreate(name, NULL, NULL, 0, &handle);

   /* Get the dimension, domain and storage type of the identifier
      associated with the handle */
   AimmsAttributeDimension (handle, &full, &sliced);
   AimmsAttributeRootDomain(handle, domain);
   AimmsAttributeStorage   (handle, &storage);

   if ( storage != AIMMSAPI_STORAGE_DOUBLE ) return;

   /* Open a file consisting of the identifier name with the extension .def,
      and print the identifier's name and dimension */

   strcpy(file, name); strcat(file, ".def");
   if ( ! (f = fopen(file, "w")) ) return;
   fprintf(f, "Identifier name: %s\n", name);
   fprintf(f, "Dimension      : %d\n", full);

   /* Prepare strvalue to hold the locally declared buffer */
   strvalue.String = buffer;

   /* Print a header containing the names of the domain sets */
   fprintf(f, "\nData values    : \n");
   for ( i = 0; i < full; i++ ) {
       strvalue.Length = 256;
       AimmsAttributeName(domain[i], &strvalue); fprintf(f, "%17s", buffer);
   fprintf(f,"%16s\n","Double value");
   for ( i = 0; i < full; i++ ) fprintf(f, "%17s", "----------------");

   /* Print all tuples with nondefault data values */
   while ( AimmsValueNext(handle, tuple, &value) ) {
       for ( i = 0; i < full; i++ ) {
           strvalue.Length = 256;
           AimmsSetElementToName(domain[i], tuple[i], &strvalue);
           fprintf(f,"%17s", buffer);
       fprintf(f,"%17.5f\n", value.Double);


If the DLL function is part of a DLL "Userfunc.dll", then it can be called from within AIMMS by the following ExternalProcedure declaration.

ExternalProcedure PrintParameterInfo {
    Arguments  : (param);
    DLLName    : "Userfunc.dll";
    BodyCall   : print_double_aimms_identifier_info(string scalar: param);

Its only argument is an element parameter into the predefined set AllIdentifiers. It can therefore be called with any identifier name.

ElementParameter param {
    Range      : AllIdentifiers;
    Property   : input;

Call example

Consider a two-dimensional parameter TransportCost(i,j) which contains the following data.

TransportCost := DATA TABLE
                Rotterdam       Antwerp         Berlin
!               ---------       ---------       ---------
Amsterdam        1.00            2.50           10.00
Rotterdam                        1.20           10.00
Antwerp                                         11.00

Then the procedure call PrintParameterInfo('TransportCost') will result in the creation of a file TransportCost.def with the following contents.

Identifier name: TransportCost
Dimension      : 2

Data values    :
Cities            Cities           Double value
----------------- ---------------- ---------------
Amsterdam         Rotterdam                1.00000
Amsterdam         Antwerp                  2.50000
Amsterdam         Berlin                  10.00000
Rotterdam         Antwerp                  1.20000
Rotterdam         Berlin                  10.00000
Antwerp           Berlin                  11.00000

aimmsapi.h header file

The prototypes of all the available AIMMS API functions, as well as all C macro definitions that are relevant for the execution of the API functions are provided in a single header file aimmsapi.h. You should include this header file in all your source files that make use of the AIMMS API functions.

Two flavors of API

The AIMMS API functions are provided in two flavors: ASCII and Unicode. For each of the functions mentioned in this chapter, there is an implementation postfixed with A for the ASCII flavor, and an implementation postfixed with W for the Unicode flavor. For instance, when UNICODE is defined, a call to AimmsIdentifierHandleCreate will be mapped to the implemented function AimmsIdentifierHandleCreateW. For the Unicode flavor, on Windows, double-byte character arrays are used to communicate strings corresponding to the UTF-16LE character encoding. For the Unicode flavor, on Linux, quadruple-byte character arrays are used to communicate strings corresponding to the UTF-32LE character encoding. This corresponds to the wchar_t* type on both platforms. Please make sure that the option external_string_character_encoding is set to corresponding encoding. For the ASCII flavor, both on Windows and on Linux, multibyte character arrays are used, and the encoding is determined by the option external_string_character_encoding.

libaimms3.lib import library

The AIMMS API functions are provided in the form of a Visual C/C++ import library libaimms3.lib to the libaimms3.dll DLL, which can be included in the link step of your external AIMMS DLL. When you are using the Visual C/C++ compiler, this import library will take care that all the relevant API functions are imported from the AIMMS executable when your AIMMS application loads the external DLL. For other compilers, you should consult the compiler documentation on how to import the functions in libaimms3.dll into your program.

Return values

All AIMMS API functions provide an integer return value. When the requested operation has succeeded, the value AIMMSAPI_SUCCESS is returned. When the operation has failed, AIMMS will return the value AIMMSAPI_FAILURE. In the latter case, you can obtain an error code and string through the API function AimmsAPILastError (see also Passing Errors and Messages).

Only identifiers with data

AIMMS will only allow you to pass or create handles for identifier types with which data is associated, i.e. sets, parameters and variables. In addition, you can pass or create handles to suffices of identifiers as long as the resulting suffix results in a set or parameter.