Raising and Handling Errors

Raising and handling errors

The error passing described in the previous section is retained in AIMMS 3 in order not to break existing applications. The use of the error handling described in this section, however, is encouraged as it is more in line with the error handling framework described in Raising and Handling Warnings and Errors. In addition, all errors, including all their parts, can be retrieved. The AIMMS API functions in this table enable the raising and handling of errors and retrieving the current AIMMS status.

Table 82 AIMMS Raising and handling errors in the AIMMS API

int AimmsErrorStatus(void)

int AimmsErrorCount(void)

char *AimmsErrorMessage(int errNo)

int AimmsErrorSeverity(int errNo)

char *AimmsErrorCode(int errNo)

char *AimmsErrorCategory(int errNo)

int AimmsErrorNumberOfLocations(int errNo)

char *AimmsErrorFilename(int errNo)

char *AimmsErrorNode(int errNo, int pos)

char *AimmsErrorAttributeName(int errNo, int pos)

int AimmsErrorLine(int errNo, int pos)

int AimmsErrorColumn(int errNo)

time_t AimmsErrorCreationTime(int errNo)

int AimmsErrorDelete(int errNo)

int AimmsErrorClear(void)

int AimmsErrorRaise(int severity, char *message, char *code)

Global error collector manipulation

The functions AimmsErrorStatus, AimmsErrorCount, AimmsErrorGet, AimmsErrorDelete and AimmsErrorClear all manipulate the global error collector. The global error collector is described in Raising and Handling Warnings and Errors. The function AimmsErrorStatus scans the contents of the global error collector and returns


if the global error collector is empty,


if it contains only warnings, or


if it contains at least one error.

The function AimmsErrorCount does not return a status code, instead it directly returns the number of errors and warnings in the global error collector. With the functions AimmsErrorMessage, AimmsErrorSeverity, AimmsErrorCategory, AimmsErrorCode, AimmsErrorNumberOfLocations, AimmsErrorLine, AimmsErrorNode, AimmsErrorAttributeName, AimmsErrorFilename, AimmsErrorColumn, and AimmsErrorCreationTime actual error information is obtained. In these functions the errNo argument should be in the range {1..AimmsErrorCount()} and the pos argument should be in the range {1..AimmsErrorNumberOfLocations(errNo)}.

Example for API calls

None of the AIMMS API functions throws an exception, nor do any of them let an exception pass through. The example below serves as a simple template to call AimmsProcedureRun and handle all errors occurring during that execution run.

int ErrCount, errNo, apr_stat ;

apr_stat = AimmsProcedureRun( procHandle, ... );
ErrCount = AimmsErrorCount();
if ( ErrCount ) {
    for ( errNo = 1 ; errNo <= ErrCount ; errNo ++ ) {

        // Handle the error; replace the next line as
        // appropriate for the application at hand.
        printf( "Error %d: %s\n", errNo, AimmsErrorMessage(errNo) );

} else if ( apr_stat == AIMMSAPI_FAILURE ) {
    printf("Aimms failed for an unknown reason.\n");

Raising an error

The function AimmsErrorRaise(severity, message, code) can raise errors and warnings. These errors will be handled by the currently active error handler as described in Raising and Handling Warnings and Errors. If there is no currently active error handler, the error is directly placed in the global error collector. The call to this function is similar to the RAISE statement, see Raising Errors and Warnings. The code argument is optional. The severity argument should be either


indicating a warning or


indicating an error.

The category of an error raised by AimmsErrorRaise is fixed to 'User'.