
Support for large models

When a model grows larger, the need for a clear and logical storage structure of all its constituting components also grows. In the absence of such a logical storage structure, you will find that it becomes increasingly hard to find your way in the model source because of the huge amount of information it contains. To support you in structuring your model, AIMMS offers several development tools and language constructs just for this purpose.

The model tree

To support you in structuring your model, AIMMS lets you organize all identifier declarations and procedures of your model in the form of a tree, called the model tree. You can access the model tree in a graphical manner, using the Model Explorer tool (see also The Model Explorer). Several language constructs of the AIMMS language, such as collections of identifiers declarations, or the procedures and functions included in your model, are visible as separate nodes within the model tree.

Main model node

All model declarations in an AIMMS model are located underneath the root node of the model tree, the Model node. The Model node is always present in the Model Explorer, even when you start a new AIMMS project, and cannot be deleted. For the Model node itself, you can specify several attributes that have a global impact, such as the licensing arrangements for your model, or the unit convention (if any) that is applicable to your application as a whole. The attributes of the Model node are discussed in full detail in Model Declaration and Attributes.

Model sections …

As you start adding identifier declarations, procedures and functions to a new model, you will soon notice that storing all these declarations directly underneath the Model node will result in a nearly unmanageable list of declarations. Finding information in such a (linear) list soon becomes a daunting task. To support you in adding additional structure to your model tree AIMMS provides Section nodes, which allow you to add depth to the model tree, much like directories add depth to a file system.

…to structure a model

By adding Section nodes with meaningful names to the model tree, and storing all model declarations that you find relevant for these section underneath them, you can impose any logical structure on your model tree that you find useful. Because AIMMS allows identifiers to be used prior to their declaration, you do not even have to worry about the declaration order when you reorganize the model tree in this manner.

Separate source file

In addition to providing the structuring capabilities described above, the contents of a Section node can also be stored in a separate source file. You can import the contents of such a source file into a section of another model, or permanently link the contents of a section to the contents of the source file. This allows you to reuse part of one model within similar applications. This method of sharing functionality, however, has its limitations. Name clashes can occur when an imported section redeclares an identifier already declared in the main model. If you run into these limitations, you are advised to use the Module concept discussed below.

Section attributes

The attributes of a Section node allow you to specify such issues as whether its contents needs to be stored in a separate source file, and if the usage of such a source file needs to be licensed. The attributes of a Section node are discussed in full detail in Section Declaration and Attributes.

Complex modeling environments

When the development of modeling applications becomes the core business of an organization, this will almost certainly lead to a multitude of related modeling projects, collaborating developers, and various end-user types, all subject to frequent changes over time. Projects evolve naturally due to feedback from end-users, changing application environments, and rotating personnel. Changes in the pool of model developers are inevitable, and may cause major fluctuations in application knowledge, experience, and modeling skills. End-users of applications also change jobs, which may result in new requirements and customization requests from the newcomers.

Need for modularization

In such a dynamic modeling world, the exchange of information becomes a crucial element to avoid unnecessary duplication. When projects are customized for different end-users, there is apt to be quite a bit of commonality between these projects. If these commonalities are not exchanged properly, there will be multiple and differing versions of essentially the same model segments. As a result, extensive and costly human resources will be needed to maintain these multiple related models. Modularization can help to overcome these problems.

Collections of functions and procedures

In Procedures and Functions you were introduced to functions and procedures as the initial tools to modularize the functionality within an AIMMS project. As explained above, collections of functions and procedures, along with the required identifier declarations, can be stored in model sections. These can be exported to separate .ams files, and can subsequently be imported by, or linked into, any other AIMMS project. Every time an AIMMS project is started containing a section link, it will automatically pick up the latest version of the file. This means that when such a collection of functions, procedures and identifier declarations at a customer’s site need to be updated, only their corresponding files need to be replaced.

Name clashes

One problem that you are likely to run into with the above approach, however, is the occurrence of name clashes. Some of the identifier names of procedures, functions, and identifiers in a model section may also occur in the model in which the section is to be included. Such name clashes will effectively prevent AIMMS from importing or linking the section into your model. A possible solution to this problem would be to rename the offending identifiers, either in your model or in the section to be included. However, using either approach, the same problems are likely to return when you get an updated version of the included model section.

Modules …

A more structural solution to the name clash problem is provided by the concept of modules in AIMMS, which allow you to share common model source into multiple models, without the risk of running into name clashes. Modules are inserted into the model tree by means of Module nodes. These nodes are essentially Section nodes with a separate namespace, along with attributes to manipulate the global model namespace. The attributes of Module nodes are discussed in full detail in Module Declaration and Attributes.

…avoid name clashes

Like Section nodes, Module nodes can be exported to a separate source file, which can be imported or linked into another model. However, because all identifiers declared within the Module node only live in its associated namespace, importing a module into another project will not lead to name clashes anymore.

Dividing a project into sub-projects…

When a project becomes larger, the operational demands and sheer amount of work involved in implementing the project, may become too demanding for a single modeler to keep up with. It is then time to divide the project into a number of manageable sub-projects, on which individual developers can work more or less independently.

…unsuitable for modules

Modules, as discussed above, are not necessarily the most suitable instrument to facilitate a division into sub-projects. This is mainly due to the fact that the module concept does not allow identifiers in the module to be strictly private to that module. Because of this, other developers can, in principle, refer to all identifiers in the module, and, consequently, the chances of a single structural change in any of the modules breaking the entire application are considerable.

Library projects

To address the problem of allowing multiple developers to work independently on manageable sub-projects of a big AIMMS project more thoroughly, AIMMS supports the concept of library projects. Library projects go far beyond modules-they do not only support independent model development, but a developer can also create end-user pages and menus as part of the library project. When a library project is included in a main project, the associated overall application can then be composed by combining the model source, pages, and menus created as part of all its included libraries. Library projects are discussed in Library projects and the library manager.

Library modules

Library modules are the source code modules associated with library projects. They can only be added to your model through the Library Manager discussed in Library projects and the library manager. AIMMS will insert library modules into the model tree as a separate LibraryModule root node. The attributes of LibraryModule nodes are discussed in full detail in LibraryModule Declaration and Attributes.

Library interface

As with ordinary modules, library modules have an associated namespace, which helps to avoid name clashes when including a library project into an AIMMS project. In addition, however, library modules provide a public interface to the rest of the model. Within the library project, all identifiers declared in the library can be freely used in the source of the library module, its pages and menus. The main project, and all other library projects included in the main project, however, can only access the identifiers that are part of the interface of the library. This allows a developer of a library to freely change any declaration that is not part of the library interface, without the risk of breaking the entire application.