
Getting started

The aim of this section is to give you a quick feel for the effort required to make a link to an external function or procedure through a short illustrative example linking a C implementation of the Cobb-Douglas function (discussed in Example: the Cobb-Douglas function) into an AIMMS application. Introduction contains a more elaborate example of an external procedure which uses AIMMS API functions to obtain additional information about the passed arguments.

External procedures and functions

The interface to external procedures and functions is arranged through special ExternalProcedure and ExternalFunction declarations which behave just like internal procedures and functions. Instead of specifying a body to initiate internal AIMMS computations, the execution of external procedures and functions is relayed to the indicated procedures and functions inside one or more DLL’s.

The Cobb-Douglas function

Consider the Cobb-Douglas function discussed in Example: the Cobb-Douglas function. Given the cardinality n of the set InputFactors and two arrays a and c of doubles representing the one-dimensional input arguments of the Cobb-Douglas function (both defined over InputFactors), the following simple C function computes its value.

double Cobb_Douglas( int n, double *a, double *c ) {
  int i;
  double CD = 1.0 ;

  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    CD = CD * pow(c[i],a[i]) ;

  return CD;

In the sequel it is assumed that this function is contained in a DLL named "Userfunc.dll".

Linking to AIMMS

In order to make the function available in AIMMS you have to declare an ExternalFunction CobbDouglasExternal, which just relays its execution to the C implementation of the Cobb-Douglas function discussed above. The declaration of CobbDouglasExternal looks as follows.

ExternalFunction CobbDouglasExternal {
    Arguments     : (a,c);
    Range         : nonnegative;
    DLLName       : "Userfunc.dll";
    ReturnType    : double;
    BodyCall      : Cobb_Douglas( card : InputFactors, array: a, array: c );

The arguments a and c must be declared in the same way as for the internal CobbDouglas function discussed on Example: the Cobb-Douglas function, with the exception that for the external implementation we will also compute the Jacobian with respect to the argument c(f). For this reason, the argument c(f) is declared as a Variable.

Set InputFactors {
    Index        : f;
Parameter a {
    IndexDomain  : f;
Variable c {
    IndexDomain  : f;


The translation type card of the set argument InputFactors causes AIMMS to pass the cardinality of the set as an integer value to the external function Cobb_Douglas. The translation type array of the arguments a and c are instructions to AIMMS to pass these arguments as full arrays of double precision values. As function arguments are always of type Input, AIMMS will disregard any changes made to the arguments by the external function. The double return value of the C function Cobb_Douglas will become the result of the function CobbDouglasExternal.

Calling external functions

After the declaration of an external function or procedure you can use it as if it were an internal function or procedure. Thus, to call the external function CobbDouglasExternal in the body of a procedure the following statement suffices.

CobbDouglasValue := CobbDouglasExternal(a,c) ;

Of course, any two (possibly sliced) identifiers with single common index domain could have been used as arguments. AIMMS will determine this common index domain, and pass its cardinality to the external function.

Use in constraints

Unlike internal functions, external functions can be called inside constraints. To accomplish this, the declaration has to be extended with a DerivativeCall attribute. For this attribute you specify the external call that has to be made when AIMMS also needs the partial derivatives of all variable arguments inside constraints of mathematical programs. In the absence of a DerivativeCall attribute, AIMMS will use a differencing scheme to estimate these derivatives. The details of using external functions in constraints, as well as the obvious extension to compute the derivative of the Cobb-Douglas function directly, are given in External Functions in Constraints.

Setting up external libraries

Once you have developed a collection of external functions and procedures, it may be a good idea to make this available in the form of a library for use in AIMMS applications. In this way, the users of your library do not have to spend any time translating their AIMMS arguments into external arguments of the appropriate type in the external procedure and function declarations.

Save library as include file

To provide a library as an entity on its own, you can store all the external procedures and functions in a separate model section, and save this section as a source file. The functions and procedures in the library can then be made available by simply including this source file into a model.

Hiding the interface

When you want to protect the interface to your external library, you can accomplish this by encrypting the include file containing the function library. Thus, the interface to the external library becomes invisible, effectively preventing misuse of the library outside AIMMS.