The AIMMS Command Line Tool

AIMMS command line tool

Next to accessing AIMMS from within your own programs through the AIMMS component technologies, AIMMS also supports a command line tool through which you can control an AIMMS project externally. You can start the AIMMS command line tool by running

AimmsCmd project-path

The AimmsCmd program is located in the Bin directory of your AIMMS installation.


The AIMMS command line tool offers commands to

  • assign values to sets, and to scalar and multidimensional identifier slices,

  • display the contents of sets, and the values of scalar and multidimensional identifier slices,

  • empty sets or multidimensional identifier slices,

  • retrieve the cardinality of sets or multidimensional identifier slices,

  • run procedures,

  • execute system commands, and

  • close the AIMMS project and quit the program.

Each command is terminated by a semicolon.


You can assign a value to sets and multidimensional identifiers and slices thereof through one of the commands

Let reference := data-expression ;
Let reference += data-expression ;

where the := operator refers to completely replacing the contents of reference and the += operator refers to a merge operation.


A reference in an assignment is either

  • an identifier name such as “Transport”, or

  • a reference to an identifier slice such as


    where each sliced dimension must refer to a quoted set element.

Data expressions

The data expressions allowed in an assignment are

  • a set expression preceded by the keyword Set as in

    Set {'Amsterdam', 'Rotterdam'}

    where all set elements must be quoted,

  • a ranged integer set preceded by the keyword Set as in

    Set {1 .. 10}

  • a scalar numeric, element or string value as in

    'an element'
    "a string"
  • a tuple list of numeric, element or string values preceded by the keyword List as in

    List {('Amsterdam','Paris') : 10, ('Paris','London') : 20}

    List keyword may be optionally preceded by the keyword Strict. In this case using an element name not present in the domain set will trigger an error (it will be added automatically to the domain set otherwise),
  • a dense multidimensional array of numeric, element or string values preceded by the keyword Array as in

    Array [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]

Value display

You can request AIMMS to display the contents of sets and multidimensional identifier slices in your model through the command

Display reference [:precision] [as Array] ;

For multidimensional identifier data AIMMS will, by default, use the List format described above. Through the optional “as Array” clause you can instruct AIMMS to display the identifier data as a dense array.

Empty identifiers

To empty the data of sets and multidimensional identifier slices in your model you can use the command

Empty reference ;

Identifier cardinality

You can request AIMMS to retrieve the cardinality of sets and multidimensional identifier slices in your model through the command

Card reference ;

Run procedures

With the command

Run procedure-name ;

you can request AIMMS to run a procedure (without arguments). When finished, AIMMS will display the return value of the procedure.

Executing system commands

You can let AIMMS execute a system command through the command

System system-command ;

where system-command is a string to be executed by command shell.


Through the Help command, a list with a brief description all available commands will be displayed.

Closing the project

You can close the AIMMS project and quit the command line tool through the command

Quit ;