Modifying the Sparsity


Now that we’ve glanced at the execution engine’s inner workings, you may be wondering about the following questions.

  • Does sparse execution influence the results of a model?

  • Does AIMMS have sparse versions of operators that are dense by nature?

Sparse execution is correct

Sparse execution never changes the results of your model. AIMMS only applies sparse intersection or sparse union when it is applicable. It does not in any way influence the results of your model compared to simply considering all the possible combinations of the running indices, but only the efficiency with which these results are obtained.

Sparsity modifiers

AIMMS does support sparse versions of some dense operators, but this time the sparse versions will in general lead to different results. Adding $ characters to dense operators modify these operators to sparse ones. That is why we call the $ characters added to these operators sparsity modifiers.

Left and right operands

Sparsity modifiers may be added to the left-hand side of a dense operator, to the right-hand side, or to both. It causes the operator only to return a non-zero result if the associated operand(s) are non-zero. Such a change to an operator may, however, change its results in a way you may, or may not, want.

A first example: the /$ operator

Let us now consider a few examples where such a modification is applicable. The first example of using a sparsity modifier is in the efficient guarding against division by zero errors. Without the use of sparsity modifiers, we can accomplish this as follows.

! Leave A(i,j) zero when C(i,j)+D(i,j) is zero in order to
! avoid division by zero errors.
! This is accomplished by repeating the denominator in the condition.
A(i,j) := ( B(i,j) / (C(i,j)+D(i,j)) ) $ (C(i,j)+D(i,j)) ;

In the example, we only divide by C(i)+D(i) if this sum is non-zero. Note that this subexpression is actually computed twice. AIMMS provides a notational convenience in the form of $ sparsity modifiers as follows.

! Leave A(i,j) zero when C(i,j)+D(i,j) is zero in order to
! avoid division by zero errors.
! This is accomplished by using the /$ division operator
! which sparsely skips 0.0's.
A(i,j) := B(i,j) /$ (C(i,j)+D(i,j)) ;

The /$ operator is defined as the / operator except when the right hand side is 0.0. In that case, the $ sparsity modifier defines it as 0.0. An added advantage is that the sub-expression C(i)+D(i) is only computed once.

The merge operator :=$

A second example is in the merging of new results in a set of existing results. Without the use of a sparsity modifier you can accomplish this as follows.

! Only overwrite elements of E(i,j) when the result
! F(i,j) + G(i,j) is non-zero.
! This is accomplished by repeating the RHS of the
! assignment as a domain condition.
E((i,j) | F(i,j)+G(i,j)) := F(i,j)+G(i,j) ;

Using the $ sparsity modifier this can be equivalently obtained as follows.

! Only overwrite elements of E(i,j) when the result
! F(i,j) + G(i,j) is non-zero.
! This is accomplished by using the $ sparsity
! modifier on the assignment operator:
E(i,j) :=$ F(i,j)+G(i,j) ;

Where allowed?

this table summarizes the operators to which the $ sparsity modifier can be applied, and whether it can be applied to the left-hand side operand, to the right-hand side operand, or to both.

Table 23 Sparsity modifiers of binary operators


Sparsity modifier allowed

$ left

$ right










+, -



=, <>, <, <=, >, >=






+=, -=



*=, /=, =






Modifying iterative operators

In addition to modifying the behavior of binary operators, the $ sparsity modifier can also be applied to iterative operators. The effect in this case is that the iterative operator in the presence of a $ modifier will only be applied to tuples for which the expression yields a non-zero value.

Example: the Min$ operator

The third and final example of the $ sparsity modifier provided here is on the Min operator. Suppose you want to find the smallest non-zero distance between a particular node and other nodes. This can be modeled as follows:

! Find the smallest non-zero distance:
MinimalDistance(i) := Min(j | Distance(i,j), Distance(i,j));

The ‘non-zero’ restriction is taken care of by repeating the argument of the Min operator in its domain condition. By using the $ sparsity modifier we can shorten the above as follows:

! Find the smallest non-zero distance:
MinimalDistance(i) := Min$(j, Distance(i,j));

Where allowed?

this table summarizes the iterative operators to which the $ sparsity modifier can be applied.

Table 24 Sparsity modifiers of iterative operators

Iterative operator

Sparsity modifier allowed

$ added

Sort, NBest




First, Last, Nth


ArgMin, ArgMax


Sum, Union




Min, Max


Statistical operators (see also this table)




Other logical operators (see also this table)


Usage of sparsity modifiers

To conclude, we can say that the $ sparsity modifier is notationally a convenience which you may or may not like. In the end it is up to you whether you use it or not. You decide this by weighing its advantage and disadvantages. Our view on this is discussed briefly below.


Using sparsity modifiers has the following advantages.

  • It enables a more compact notation. In the examples above, the domain condition is replaced by a strategically placed $ sparsity modifier thereby reducing the overall expression. Many models have with multiple line subexpressions and with these the reduction is not insignificant.

  • It is more efficient. There are usually abundant zeros in a model. You want them ignored so that the corresponding entries do not appear in the results. In addition, you want them to be ignored as quickly as possible: so as not to waste any computation time on them.


As with any new notation it takes time to get used to it. This holds both for you as a modeler and also for the people you want to communicate your model to. In order to alleviate this disadvantage you may want to add a few brief comments on the modified operators you use such as :=$ operator used here to merge the result into the existing data.